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TW: Both hands on the phone, hahah

Gabriella's POV:

Jay is currently at my house right now. In all honesty, I'm not sure why since I technically didn't even invite him over but I don't mind much.

He knocked on my door and Leo opened it. Being the chill one he is, he just let him inside the house. Leo called me down and asked why I never told anyone he was coming over but Jay awkwardly said it was his decision.

He asked if I could help him with one of his homework questions but I agreed. Leo reminded us to keep the door open and that was it, to be honest.

"Okay, try the question first whilst I get comfortable" I say. Jay nods and attempts the question. We're both on my bed since first of all, there's enough space for us both to fit, and second of all, it's cold sitting at a desk.

My back is leaning against the headboard whilst Jay is sitting opposite me with his legs somewhat crossed (still on the bed). He's relatively close to me though, my knees are by his torso so my legs go past him slightly.

We're both on top of the covers and I visibly shiver when he puts his hand on my knee as he writes. "Get off" I try to sound serious but I'm honestly loving the physical touch. It makes me feel so thrilled, so secretive, so alive

"I know you like it, darling" he whispers as he continues to write. His thumb drawing small circles on the side of my knee/leg. 

It feels so good and he's absolutely correct but I can't let him know that. Deciding to avoid the subject, I ask "how are you getting along with the question?"

He chuckles as he notices my tactics but answers nonetheless, "not so great. Can you explain it please?"

Boys with manners >>>

"Sure" I gently take the notepad from his lap since he's right beside me and re-read it through. "Alright so-" I explain the answer for a few minutes until he gets it. I had to re-iterate some parts but he seems to fully understand it now.

"Thanks, love" he says, staring into my blue eyes. I squirm under his gaze and mutter a small "it's okay". Archie meows and waltzes into my room and I silently thank him for causing a distraction.

Whenever I'm around Jay, it feels like my heart does summersaults. Every touch ignites something within me, I constantly finding myself wanting more from him.

I put the notepad down, make a clicking sound with my tongue and tap my lap a few times. Archie gets the hint and jumps straight onto my legs. He sits down and starts to purr as I stroke him

I feel myself softly smiling down at him, "he's so cute" 

"Y-yeah" Jay answers. "So cute"

He sounds a little preoccupied and when I look back up at him, his eyes are trained on me but I ignore it. I'm glad he thinks Archie is cute too! Definitely not the only cute thing in this room though...

Gabriella! I scold myself. Am I catching feelings for Jay?

"Right, enough of homework. Let's do something" Jay says. I crease my eyebrows.

"Like what?"

"Make out" he shrugs. The smirk on his face tells me he said it as a joke but I can't help but wish he said it seriously. I know I'm not the most experienced kisser or anything but wouldn't it be nice if our feelings were reciprocated?

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