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After 1 minute of trying to make a powerpoint together but on OPPOSITE SIDES OF THE ROOM, I huffed.

"This is so ridiculous" I mutter, getting out of the bed. We tried everything such as: holding the IPad's in the air so the other could see, trying to explain parts etc

"Why don't we send the link of the powerpoint and 'view' it at the same time" I suggest. We could work on our separate slides but my dyslexia was still playing up and it would've been difficult.

"I'll just look at the design aspects and you can do your slides if you'd like. Once the letters stop jumbling around, I'll work on my slides alone." I say.

"If that's what you want" he shrugs. "I don't mind helping you out though."

"No it's okay, you already helped a lot. Thanks!" I send him another smile

Jay was using his IPad now that he was sitting at my desk so I picked up my IPad and circled back to the bed, sitting where I was only seconds beforehand.

After a few moments of me making the presentation look vibrant and Jay typing his research onto some of the slides, he sighs

I send him a questioning look, "We should do something fun" he says, smirking

"Fun? Like what?" I ask. "Like making out" he teases, still smirking

"Jay!" I scold, my cheeks reddening by the second.

He laughs at my flushed state, "Fine fine fine, what about 20 questions?" he asks to which I instantly agree, I love this game! I would play it all the time with my friends from back home.

However, I'm a little hesistant to play it with him. He is a popular, arrogrant, badboy after all. "Can there be rules?"

He hums for me to continue, "There can be personal questions but can we have a rule where you can skip some?" I offer, he nods "Yeah but let's say no more than... 2 skips?"

"Okay" I agree so we start. "I'll ask first. What's your full name?" he says

"Gabriella Elizabeth Romano" I answer. Elizabeth had the option to give me a middle name when I was younger so gave me her first name.

"Alright ummm... what's your full name?" I ask back. "I'm not telling you my middle name" he laughs

"What? I told you mine!" I feign offence, "The only person that knows my middle name is my mom and sister" he laughs

"Pleaseeeee Jay!" I practically beg, he sighs "Don't laugh-" I giddily nod my head like a little kid -"Jayson Louie Cameron"

"That's not even bad" I pretend to sulk, leaning my back against the headboard. "I thought it would be something funny like your ancient grandmother's name or something"

"I don't know, I've ever really been a fan of it" he shrugs. "Alrightttt Beth, my turn" he thinks of a question but I realize what he has called me.

"Beth?" I ask him, "Yeah, thought it could be your new nickname... Gabriella ElizaBETH, get it?"

"Yeah but it's weird being called "Beth".." I think... "Actually I've never once heard you call me Gabriella before"

He shrugs "Good observation, princess". I guess he just prefers using ('pet') nicknames

"Wait but that means I should give you a nickname too-" I collect my thoughts "What about Louie? I know it's not crazy or anything but at least it's something only I call you" I shrug

"Trying to claim me, Beth? Bit possessive..." he mutters as if he was serious but the smirk on his face tells me he's only joking around

"Whatever, LOUIE" I emphasize his new nickname, this is fun!

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