Chapter 6

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Last time on MHA: Diaper Club, Principal Nezu moved the girls of class 1-A to another classroom on an attempt to save them from being criticized by those who are not fond of the ABDL community, their new teacher happens to be the R-rated hero, Midnight, their new class consist of baby items, a changing table and cribs, the girls seemed to enjoy their new classroom as they are also joined by students, Mei Hatsume and Nejire Hado, the celebrity heroine, Uwabami caught a picture of the girls in diapers and decided to pick out who would be the next stars in her ABDL commercials, what will come next?

It was another day in UA Highschool, the girls of class 1-A, along with Hatsume and Nejire were at their classroom in diapers and onesies, they were all drawing with crayon and paper, as if their school days were of preschool.

Uraraka: This is so much fun

Toru: Yeah, we don't really get to do stuff like this back in our classroom.

Nejire: I'm so glad you girls are getting used to your new classroom, it really is fun here.

Hatsume: Indeed! I could use this as an opportunity!

Hatsume was drawing ideas for her "babies" with crayon and paper.

Jirou: Is she really drawing ideas for inventions on paper with crayon?

Nejire: Yeah, that's Hatsume for you, she doesn't get to think of any ideas due to having to pay attention in her old classroom.

Mina was drawing in her paper a drawing of herself and Momo holding hands with hearts around them.

Mina: All done, it looks beautiful, I wonder if that'll be me and Momo one day?

Asui: Hey Asui, what are you drawing? Ribbit.

Mina was panicked as Asui was behind her.

Mina: Eep! N-Nothing! Nothing at all!

Mina covers the drawing with her hands before Asui could look at it, Asui looked at her with a confused look.

Asui: My bad, and sorry for scaring you, ribbit.

Asui goes back to her paper as she is seen drawing a frog, Mina sighs in relief to look at her drawing.

Mina: (Sighs) I just can't hide these feelings anymore... For some reason... I feel like getting closer to Momo...

Mina looks at Momo drawing and smiling happily.

Mina's mind: Back when we she got all of us into diapers, we did a lot of things together... I can't help but want more... Oh Momo... I wish I could tell you how I feel about you... I'm so happy that I'm feeling warm right now...


Mina soon realizes that she wet her diaper.

Mina's mind: Oh! Nevermind! That's just my pee!

Midnight comes inside the classroom and looks at her diapered heroes in training.

Midnight: Hello girls, having fun?

Nejire: We sure are, Midnight, we're drawing pretty drawings.

Midnight: Awww, that's so adorable, if everyone is done, we can begin today's lesson, addition!

The girls: Another preschool lesson!

Midnight: Now students, if you get one right, you get a gold star, and remember, get 10 gold stars and you get to pick out a prize from the prize chest, now then, what's 1+1?

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