Julius Caesar Remake

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 Hey this is my version of Julius Caesar and yes it is a play. I hope you enjoy! Comments and votes are more than welcome!

Act 1

Scene 1 – hallway in front of lockers

Enter Julian, Trevor, Callie, and Brandon

Julian- That was an awesome game. The Spartans didn’t stand a chance!

Brandon- Duh! We have the star quarterback in the state!

Trevor- (complaining) I wish they would let me play more.

(Julian claps him on the back)

Julian- Its okay Trevor you’re getting better every practice! Before you know it you’ll be scoring the winning touchdown.

Callie-(laughing) but wait until after the next month please.


Callie- The Norfolk University Scout is coming for the big game and if Julian doesn’t get the scholarship he won’t get to go to college.

(Enter Cassie)

Cassie- (talking to herself and looking at clipboard) We need to fix the streamers and order the cake… (Notices Julian and crew) Hello, what are you doing out of class?

Callie-We’re walking back from Gym.

Cassie-Gym? We have 20 minutes until the bell and 3 more to get to class. You are skipping class.

Callie-Prove it. We have the Chief Hall Monitor right here, (points at Julian)

Cassie- He’s no Hall Monitor!

Callie- Yeah but he’s an honor student and just got the winning touchdown last night at the game. Who do you thin they will believe? Him or You?

(Group turns to file out, Brandon is last in line)

Cassie-Brandon, Wait!

(He stops and turns around)

Brandon- what do you want?

Cassie-to give you something to think on.

Brandon- (sighs) And that would be?

Cassie- you know how much Julian loves Callie…


Cassie- Well think the week of the big game Callie is leaving for Europe. Think how distracted he will be.

Brandon-(Uncomfortable) Where are you going with this?

Cassie- With him being so distracted he might….mess up at the big game. In front of the scout.

Brandon- Whatever (turns to go)

Cassie- You care about your friend right? You want him to have a future?

(He stops and turns back around)

Brandon- Why does that concern you?

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