14. matters of perspective

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"Why isn't this bruise healing?" Ivan muttered with a frown as the doctors busied themselves on deck around His Majesty. "They've tried everything on it."

Impatient with their efforts, Caspian simply pushed away the hand of a doctor holding a cooling ointment and shook his head. "It's fine if it stays, it's hardly a wound."

"But it doesn't make sense!" Ivan muttered. "Your Majesty has traces of Light magic within you and always healed well enough from worse injuries. The doctors say your health is exceptional at the moment, so how..."

"Maybe it's tired and wants some time alone before it goes away," Caspian grumbled back, rubbing absently at the place where Dan had punched him. "Forget about that, Ivan—have someone find me a bucket of water."

"Yes, Your Majesty?" the chancellor followed after his king as he strode across the ship, dismissing his doctors with a wave of his hand. "But whatever for?"

"I need to keep this eel somewhere wet, don't I?"

"Ah? I-I beg your pardon?"

"Oh, and find permanent accommodations for it when we return to the palace. Preferably in its own quarters with guards for the doors and exits."

Moments later, Ivan was left holding a net with a faintly thrashing eel as Caspian walked away.

What is this...it's not even cute... the chancellor thought gloomily before he dashed off to find a member of the crew.

In a different corner of the ship, Jonathan had cornered Dan and draped a warm, dry towel over his head before stuffing a hot drink into his hands. Despite this, his voice was clearly panicking as he muttered under his breath.

"Ahhhh, Our Light Most Holy, why is the king's face all swollen on one side?"

Dan shifted guiltily in his seat even as he sipped at his cup. "Well...why else..."

"Did you really hit him?! Didn't the head priest say to show mercy!"

"He looked like he needed help, all right? I...I couldn't just float there and watch him cough up blood. Besides, he asked me first."

"H-His Majesty asked you to punch him?"

"No, to help him! But you know that just means punching in my case!"

The young acolyte wrung his hands while shaking his head. "Saintess, are you sure the Goddess didn't teach you some other way to heal people?"

"It's working well now, isn't it?" 

"But it's distressing to watch!"

"Well...I could ask her about it the next time we chat?"

His young companion made a choked noise in his throat. "That's...can you really bother the Goddess with such trivial questions?"

"But she said I could find her when I needed to..."

"Just because She says so doesn't mean you should!" Jonathon paused to take a breath, one hand resting on his chest. "The teachings of the temple have always said that we should find the answers within ourselves rather than asking the Goddess every time. Even if you are Our Light Most Holy, you can make your own choices on these things first."

"Is that so..." Dan trailed off. "Then all right, I'll try something different next time. Maybe pinching them will work, or kicking—"

"Why are all your ideas violent?!"

"Because I tried the peaceful options first and they didn't work," Dan reminded him helplessly. "I can ask the king if he has soldiers or criminals to test the moves on first..."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2023 ⏰

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