6. blessing

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While the standing audience were all murmuring about the Saintess, the figures sitting on the raised platforms were a little more dignified. The elder priests and most of the Klovs representatives had no change of expression, maintaining their smiles or neutral stance. Naturally, the Chancellor of Brog was unmoved as well, and the grand duke only looked amused. Only the youngest, the Prince of Krarzi, shifted curiously in his seat before leaning in towards the man beside him.

"Grand duke, is that really our Saintess?"

The man beside him was still wearing his pleasant smile. "If the Goddess accepts him, then there can be no doubt." Emphasis on if. "The people do not take kindly to false messengers, especially here in Jokoskia."

The young prince looked thoughtfully up at the platform before his fingers tightened on the cuffs of his sleeves. He hoped the Saintess candidate could pass...

Above them all, Dan decided to stop dealing with the crowd by simply shutting his eyes. To be honest, he was the last guy to care about what he looked like. But it was a little jarring to think about being rejected by this world right when he was getting used to the idea of living in it. Anyways, he just needed to make the Goddess hear and acknowledge him, right?

Jokoskia would be a poor thearchy if its people judged others purely based on their looks.

'Well, you're absolutely right.'

The ethereal female voice that echoed in his head almost made Dan's eyes fly open, but he held himself in check and listened carefully.



Oh. When had She dropped in?!

'You called, so I came.'

Oh again. Just to be sure, he wondered, ...you're not the Author, right?

Bright, gentle laughter filled his thoughts. 'The Creator lives on a different plane. That's why your only point of contact with her is with the Window.'

Makes sense. Dan discovered that this entire conversation was turning out to be surprisingly casual, all things considered.

'Because you and I both know that this is a "story" that has yet to become a "world."'

Dan paused. Is there a difference?

'Of course. A story must be written, but a world can stand on its own.' As the Goddess spoke, beautiful images began to flicker before Dan's eyes—a panorama of stunning mountain vistas, breathless sunset seas, and various towns and cities beneath open blue skies. He intuitively understood that the Goddess was showing him scenes from all over Aleria.

'This is our world, Dan. I was tasked with its protection, and I love it with all my heart.' A soft breeze brushed past his cheek like a caress. 'To the Readers, we may be nothing more than words on a screen, but I believe we're more than that.'

Dan's thoughts were complicated.

'Don't you think so as well, Dan?' the Goddess asked.

I don't know if I'm the right person to ask, Dan admitted. Being an extra means you're an afterthought even in a book, so becoming a "character" is already beyond my wildest imagination.

'Oh, Dan...' the voice of the Goddess trailed off into a sympathetic sigh, especially when She sensed the trace of melancholy in his tone. 'Don't worry. You won't be forgotten here. I will not neglect a single one of my children in this world, no matter what role they play.'

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