Chapter 10

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"Okay, girls, cut it out!" Just then, a small figure stepped in between us, placing one hand on my stomach and the other on Melissa's. I looked down at the girl who then turned her head towards me with an innocent smile. Her familiar blue eyes stood out so easily, just like usual. Her glowing "blonde" hair, which was a lot more yellow, reached all the way down to her back. I stared at the very things I loved about her – my best friend, Elizabeth! Yet my voice couldn't mask its happy surprise, and before I could even think about my own thoughts, my mouth ran a marathon with her name. "E-ELIZABETH SAINT SOLACE?" Elizabeth's dark blue eyes turned away from Melissa and met my own with the sweetest of smiles. "Hey, sissy! You're welcome again... for saving you!" Her smile revealed her perfect white teeth, closing her eyes as she did so. I couldn't help but laugh at her cute little face until I noticed the man behind her. My face turned into a sour expression as quickly as I saw him.

Behind Elizabeth, a figure stepped out of the shadows, as if he were her bodyguard, just like how every other student had one. But I knew for a fact that that handsome face didn't belong to a bodyguard. Yeah, he wasn't a bodyguard at all; in fact, he was the rich bodybuilder, the sports lover. I watched him as he walked closer to us, and his large figure captivated my mind once again. "Yo!" Kaiser said, with his usual smug yet charming expression. Just then, I saw Andrew death-staring Kaiser. Kaiser quickly caught onto Andrew's devilish eyes, which were fixed on him as Andrew approached us. Kaiser then returned his death stare with a look of his own that countered Andrew's. But the real victims were Elizabeth and me, who were caught between the two men.

Gosh they really hate each other!

Before Elizabeth and I could be suffocated by the toxic air Andrew and Kaiser were subjecting us to, Elizabeth cleared the air with her soft, angelic voice. "Anyway, babe, I found this really upscale neighbourhood, and I was thinking we could go meet some wealthy men." As she said this, I couldn't help but turn my head back to Andrew and Kaiser. These two men were incredibly wealthy, so what more does she want? I'm just glad I'm breathing the same air as them, but this girl wants more! To be honest, I really hated her ideas, but she was my best friend, and so I didn't have the heart to ever say no to her. It was just never part of my vocabulary when it came to her. I reluctantly agreed as her eyes shimmered, as if it would kill her to wait any longer. "Ah, fine, I'll entertain you," I said. Elizabeth's eyes literally grew two times their size. She steadily reached for my hand and escorted me through the school doors. Kaiser called out to us, but Elizabeth's laughter only grew louder, slowly silencing Kaiser. I turned around to Andrew, who was still being taken away by Elizabeth. Andrew had a soft smile on his face as he distanced himself from Kaiser so elegantly but coldly.

Elizabeth and I didn't even have a car to take us to the place she was talking about. We ran around the entire area looking for that neighbourhood, and finally managed to reach it a little later in the afternoon. Elizabeth quickly took her place behind a bush, then she pushed me forward, saying, 'Okay, sissy, you got this!' My foot stayed in its place, wobbling, knowing what was yet to come, but her smile relieved my mind and put it at ease. I then nodded my head after clearing my throat and said, 'Ahem, ahh, ohh, no, I'm so lost. If only someone could help me!' I wandered around hopelessly, pretending to be a damsel in distress while Elizabeth watched from her hiding spot. I clutched onto my skirt, skipped around the area, and just as I did, a Porsche pulled up right in front of me. Its radiant black colour stole all the attention from the people peeking through the windows. But the only thing going through my head was, 'Elizabeth wasn't kidding!'

The dark, pitch-black windows were rolled down in a sassy manner, screaming out richness and entitlement, making me feel even more nervous. My hands clasped together as they became soaked in sweat. I watched the car that had just parked right next to me on the road. Inside, there sat a tanned, handsome, young-looking man with beautiful black hair and lively black eyes. His prominent scar near his thick eyebrows caught my attention the most. "What's a woman like you doing here?" he bit his tanned lips in annoyance, questioning my very existence. But I couldn't help but stare as he did so. His low, crisp voice was faint but enough to reach my shivering heart. My ocean-blue eyes couldn't help but be mesmerized by his appearance. The man only raised his eyebrow at me in response to my curious gaze.

"You're like an earthquake to this neighbourhood. Why don't you run along now?" The man raised his head as he sat in his car with his legs crossed, looking as if he were ready for a picture. "Maybe even come to my place, and I can show you what richness tastes like." My eyes twitched at his words; his words, filled with so much pride, baffled me. In that moment, I didn't care who this man was. "Hey, just because you're rich, I'm not going to listen to you!" The man's eyebrows furrowed, revealing a faint grin on his face. "Are you rejecting me? I can shut that pretty mouth of yours with more than just money." His confident words only pissed me off further. I gritted my teeth and pouted. "Hmp, sure, you're rich, but I prefer my rich men to be fictional." I closed my eyes, wrapped my arms around my chest, and looked away from him in a rude manner, which was the point.But the man's deep voice laughed in response, making it even deeper than it already was. 'There is nothing in this world without a price tag. 50k,' the man eyed me up and down with a grin, as if he were taking in every corner of my body, savouring everything I had to offer. My jaw dropped to the ground. 'F-FIFTY? U-uh, no way. I expected more from a man as well dressed as you,' I tried to act confident, but that money was already so much compared to what I usually see in my bank accounts — which, to be fair, are all negative.

The man's face took on a curious expression. '200k, and myself. Take it or leave it,' he stated. My ears seemed to be coated with the richest honey when I heard those numbers. However, what turned me off was his last sentence, causing my face to contort into a sour expression. 'Deal, but I don't want you,' I replied in a low, uninterested tone, trying to appear as though I wasn't lying. I didn't want to further boost his ego; I was certain he had other women for that. As I contemplated these things, the man stepped out of his car, revealing his impeccably tailored jet-black suit, and his towering 6'5" frame loomed over me. He knelt in closer and whispered in my ear.

"That wasn't a request, little princess; it was an order. Unless you don't want to see your family again, I'd shut that cute, good-for-nothing mouth and obey." He takes a few steps away from me, puts his left hand in his pocket, and with the other free hand, he takes a suitcase from one of his men, then throws it near my foot. The suitcase lock shatters when it collides with the ground, revealing the stacks of money inside. "Pfft, I don't have enough tears for anyone else; I'm out here alone," I laughed at myself, not willing to earn their pity. The corners of my lips could barely manage a fake smile, but I somehow pulled it off. "I'm alone here. I always have been, so get away from me. I don't want your stupid money." As I spoke, the mysterious man inched closer to me and held my chin up with his abnormally long fingers. His hand was warm to the touch, perfectly big and rough. "Come on, princess, you're not special. I can easily buy that body of yours. Just name your price, lady," his voice was distant, and his words were just as cold.

I tried to take a few steps back in response to his sudden touch, but his hand grabbed onto my waist and held me in place as he examined me further, as if I were an item on display. "D-don't touch me," my voice trembled to the core. His touch felt like some kind of drug, and I averted my gaze from his breathtakingly dark, night-like eyes. "Hmp, you're quite fine... if only that attitude of yours were a bit better, and that tongue needs to be tamed," he clicked his tongue and seductively bit his lips. This man knows what he's doing and what he's capable of with that face and body. "But no worries, I'll train that tongue of yours to beg for me, and my... oh, how fun it will be to break you." His eyes were essentially undressing me with that lustful look. The man then sighed as he withdrew from my personal space and smirked.

He then turns into a sly smile, twisting his head around the neighbourhood and looking atop a house. "200k, and a fun night with me, what do you say, princess?" His eyes fell back on me, the smirk he had finally faded as he smiled charmingly, his white teeth showing. I could tell this man knew how to play his cards when it came to flirting. I noticed his men staring at us with eager glares of uncertainty, and one of them finally broke the ice they were building. "Sir Vincent, I feel we shouldn't dwell on this common woman any further; your father is waiting." The man bowed in a show of respect, then stood back up, yet his judgmental eyes never left me for a second.

Vincent, huh? This guy seemed like bad news. What gave it away was probably his scar right on his left eyebrow, which stopped near his eye, and his depressing yet quite fashionable sense of style. I couldn't really put my finger on which aspect I agreed with more, but I just knew this man looked too good to be real. I stopped eyeing the man as if he were a 5-star meal when I saw Elizabeth running towards me from a distance. I realized I needed to escape this neighbourhood. I quickly thought of a plan, and the only thing that came to mind was my talent for running – it's how I deal with all my problems. I ran as fast as I could, the wind following my every step, and escaped with all my limbs intact - surprisingly, something I didn't know was possible when near a damned mafia. 

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