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(The first one with the black jeans

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(The first one with the black jeans.)

Sitting in the room, the atmosphere grew tense as the Headmistress introduced herself as Farah Dowling, the formidable leader of Alfea College. Her intimidating expression sent shivers down my spine, causing me to fidget in my usual outfit while Bloom appeared relaxed in her casual jeans and hoodie. It was evident that this woman commanded respect and authority.

As Farah Dowling began to speak, her words carried a weight of importance. She informed us that this would be our first year out of three at Alfea, and before we could embark on our journey, she needed to know our fairy type and when we discovered our powers. Without hesitation, Bloom bravely spoke up, sharing her recent discovery of fire powers that had accidentally caused a fire in her own home just a month ago. Farah Dowling nodded in acknowledgement, clearly understanding the gravity of Bloom's untamed abilities.

Then, it was my turn to reveal my own powers. Taking a deep breath, I mustered the courage to speak. "I discovered my fire powers when I was four," I began, carefully choosing my words. "Left alone in the park by my ex-guardians, I was cold and tried to start a fire with two sticks. Despite my failed attempts, I began to cry out of frustration, and that's when the sticks suddenly burst into flames." I decided to lie, knowing that my powers often frightened those around me. My friends, Faye and Nina, had informed me that fairies like them only possessed one element, such as fire, water, earth, air, light, or mind. Faye is 17, a rare older so she will be a second year, and Gina is my age. So I'll see her at Alfea and maybe half her on my classes.

Farah Dowling listened attentively, nodding in acknowledgement as I finished my explanation. The whispers of the shadows seemed to echo in my ears, reminding me that she was afraid of my magic and Bloom's lack of control. They revealed that she recognized us as changelings and was aware of my true identity as the rightful queen of Domino. "If the fairies and specialists thought that fairy changelings were to be feared, they had no idea what real changelings were capable of." A mischievous thought crossed my mind, knowing that we would soon prove ourselves and shatter any preconceived notions they had about us.

Grateful for the support of the shadows, I smiled and turned my attention back to the woman before me. Concentrating, I summoned the flames into my palm, causing her to gasp in astonishment while Bloom stared at me in awe. The shadows crawled up my arm inside my veins, providing a sense of euphoria. They protected me from the flames just in case I lost control.  I made he flames take the form of a baby kitten and moved the flame around so it would make he kitten move like it's playing.

Both Bloom and the headmistress gaped at me in disbelief, but I could sense the anger on Bloom's face. She yearned to surpass me, but deep down, she knew she never could. I was destined for greatness, while she was merely a spoiled child who believed she could have anything with the right connections.

As I observed the wheels turning in the headmistress' mind, I realized she recognized that I possessed wisdom and power beyond my years. I could see her intrigue, and I wondered what plans she had for me. Should I try to decipher her intentions, or should I simply wait and be surprised? For now, I decided to leave it be and eagerly anticipate the surprises that awaited me at Alfea, the school for the gifted.

Word Count: 624

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