Reaction.: Island Exam (prep)

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Japan(ANHS for now).:
Anos's pov.:

After the results of the "Sudo case" ended, Class D was yet again at 0 CP-s. Meaning that they didn't got any PP.-s. They must be so sad.Not that anyone important enough cared. The only person who doesn't deserve this is Koenji.

Koenji.: Thank you Anos. Finally, someone sees my perfection.

Sudo.: Damm that Anos! He expelled me while I was right!

I heard that he even asked Ayanokouji and Manabu for some points. And they gave him about 300.000 points.

Ayanokouji.: (His ego must have been hurt a little there)

With Sudo's trial over, the class point in some classes changed.:

Class 1A 1087
Class 1B 1024
Class 1C 662
Class 1D 0

Hirata.: Don't worry everyone! Here is when we will strike back and gain 200+ CP!

Ike.: Thank you again Horikita.

Suzune.: Thanks.

With this Ryueen gained some respect from his class. As he put them 100 CP.-s in total to the table. Which now makes him the person who got the most points in the year. (For now!)

Sudo.: Yeah Ryueen! You better watxh out!

With us. Arisu joined the class, making Ryueen the only threat to us now. Who knows maybe Baldie will come up with something that actually works.

Yahiko.: Yeah! Go Katsuragi!!!

As for now, we are sitting inside the classroom, waiting for Chabashira to enter and tell us something during this homeroom.

As if reading my mind Chabashira entered the classroom. This time however she didn't had any papers with her.

Sae.: Good afternoon to everyone. Today should be a good day to all of you!

Kanzaki.: Why is that Sensei?

Sae.: Thanks to all of you in this class passing the mid-terms with flying colours, the school awarded this year with a summer vacation. As you guys basically bribed me to tell you guys every secret the school doesn't tell you, since april.

Koenji.: Best vacation in 1st year EVER!

Sudo.: You didn't do sh*t Koenji!

Shinohara.: Yeah, you are just a guy with big mouth.

Sae.: Thanks to this, I'm allowed to tell you that this vacation will host two special-exams. One will be based on survivalship and the other on academics, or brain power as Anos likes to call it.

Ayanokouji.: (The Zodiac and the Island Exam. Quite the trouble)

Ichinose.: Could you explain the details to us?

Sae.: the island exam is about survivalship as I previously stated. Each class will get 300 CP.-s at the start. There will be ways to get more of them. But that will be explained on the island.

Sae.: What's important is that you guys that the stuff that will be able to be bought, can be bought by the CP-s. Provided by the school. For example a normal, 10 person tent will cost 5 CP-s.

Anos.: Thanks for the info sensei. I already have a plan to win the exam.

Ichinose.: Can we hear it?

Anos.: We will make an allience with one specific class. We will give them a reasonable amount of points and demand that they will give it back to us in PP.-s. For the rest we will use them to have fun. As long as thoose lasts all of us will be able to have fun.

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