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I slam my sword into the leader's blade.

"The prophecy will soon be fulfilled. You must be terminated." He says.

"Have you gone loco?" I ask.

What is wrong with these past couple of days? My head is in turmoil. All these signs are there. Is it my destiny to bring about the end of the world? Am I really truly evil? I feel like I am. I feel like I'm falling into the black of the abyss. This is terrifying. First the nightmares, then this. 

"Why are you guys trying to kill me?" I demand.

"You really don't know?" He asks in surprise. 

He jumps up as our blades clash again. He's impressive, despite being old. Maya leaps up and her weapon clashes with the old man. 

"Get out of here!" She yells.

"That's my girl." I look at her.

We push him aside.

"Hang on Maya!" Chimi yells running forward.

Rico appears from magic. Pichu jumps down with Chimi. Their weapons glow. 

"You guys should surrender." Rico says.

"You can't stop what is to come. Prince of Darkness." He looks at me.

My eye narrows. They disappear into the shadows.

"Someone want to explain what that was about?" Rico asks us. 

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