Justice League Feud

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"The rules are simple," Diana looked each Leaguer present in the eye, a silent warning for them to behave. "You are to stay in your seats," she looked at Barry when she said this. "You are not to call out answers. To do so, will disqualify you from the game," she shot a hard look at Superman, who was known to get over-enthusiastic on Trivia night. "The winning team will be exempt from monitor duty for a week and get five tickets to Medieval Times." She held up the tickets to show her teammates.

Green Arrow whooped ecstatically, fist-bumping Black Canary. She hungrily eyed the tickets and elbowed Green Arrow in the side. Bruce could never prove it, but his tremendous, intuitive sense of human nature told him those two were an item. There was a chorus of various whoops and cheers from the other leaguers.

Bruce scowled. They were getting worked up over such an insignificant thing. He could just buy his own tickets. This was a waste of time. The only reason Bruce decided to participate was because he needed to warn Superman about Talia's latest scheme. But Superman was avoiding him. He had already tried to call him ten times, both as Bruce Wayne and Batman. He was ignoring him, plain and simple. Bruce couldn't blame the guy. He did throw Lois off a building, but in his defense, he had J'onn on standby in case Clark didn't break free of Poison Ivy's thrall.

Clark couldn't still be mad at him? Bruce studied Superman. He sat across from Bruce, next to Shazam, and was eagerly discussing the latest One Piece season, whatever that was. Honestly, sometimes Bruce thought Clark was more of a kid than Billy Batson. It's no wonder Shazam idolized Clark. Jimmy Olsen sat on Superman's lap eyeing the heroes with rapt attention and adoration. A muscle tensed in Batman's jaw at the sight of the young boy. Jimmy was a reflection of what Dick could have been if his parents survived. Happy, innocent. Not weighed down by such a great loss.

Bruce's gaze was pulled toward his ward, who sat obediently next to him not making a single sound. He had promised Dick they'd go on vacation, just the two of them no Batman or Robin, so long as he behaved and didn't geek out. So Dick sat quietly, even though Bruce could see every bone in his body was itching to run to Superman and join in on their fun. He hadn't meant for Dick to shut down. He simply didn't want a repeat of last time.

"Losers dye their hair pink and go on patrol wearing a rainbow suit."

Batman's head shot up. "What idiot came up with that rule?"

"I did," Superman met Batman's smoldering glare.

"That's a bit excessive, don't you think?"

"Not at all," Clark smirked. "This way both our identities suffer."

Bruce hated that he understood Clark so well. It wasn't enough that Batman would have to fight the Joker in a clown suit, Bruce Wayne was not spared. Dick will get a kick out of Bruce Wayne showing up at Wayne Enterprises with pink hair. Fortunately, there was this dandy thing invented called whigs.

"Wait," Jimmy frowned, his face turning as red as his hair. "I thought you're Superman all the time?"

"Of course, he is. Superman doesn't sleep," Batman quickly jumped to Clark's rescue, nipping that line of questioning in the bud. Unfortunately, the kid had the nose of a reporter, just like his brother.

"Yeah, everybody knows that," Dick said with the authority of someone who knows everything about Superman. "The sun recharges him. He does not need such mundane things as food or glasses."

Clark paled and bit his lower lip nervously, eyes skidding to the corner where the press was stationed. It was just Bruce's luck Batman chose the one day Superman invited the Press to the Hall of Justice to join in on Trivia Night. Jack Olsen hid behind a huge video camera, Cat Grant and Lois Lane fanning him on each side. There was a black guy with the press Bruce did not recognize.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2023 ⏰

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