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'Recognized. Batman. 02.'

'Recognized. Robin. B-01

Bruce stepped through the zeta-tube, fear burning in his veins for the first time in a long time. Robin followed closely behind giddy as a kid on Christmas morning.

"I can't believe I agreed to this," Bruce glared at the numerous monitors in the entryway, each tuned in to a different viewpoint on Earth. He scanned the screens for any emergencies and growled when he saw nothing amiss. All things considered, he would rather be fighting an alien invasion. He grasped tightly to the bag of scones Alfred was kind enough to prepare.

It wasn't too late to turn back now. No one had seen them yet. He could tell Superman the Joker escaped Arkham. But Clark would be able to see right through his phony lie.

"Wow!" Dick ran towards one of the windows, his bright-yellow cape flapping behind him. Bruce grumbled a noncommittal response. "Super cool!" Dick beamed, eyes wide in wonder as he basked in the ethereal light of outer space. "I can get used to this view."

"Nice of you to join us, Batman," Superman appeared in the archway, crossing his arms over his larger-than-life chest.

Everything about Superman's demeanor was guarded and careful. He crossed his arms in an attempt to make himself seem smaller and casual. He avoided meeting Batman's gaze head-on, fearing he'll take it as a threat. Clark wasn't under any delusions that Batman and Superman would ever be friends. He kept his voice neutral, void of any emotion.

"I swear you won't regret it, sir," Superman said, offering Batman a timid smile.

"Hrrmm," Batman grunted. He already did regret it.

Bruce stiffened and not for the first time felt a stab of guilt in the presence of Superman. It was odd being addressed by Clark in such a formal, detached, way. Bruce Wayne knew Clark Kent. He loved game night more than Christmas. Last night Clark couldn't shut up about Batman finally joining the Leaguers for game night. He was hoping they could move past their differences and be friends. He didn't realize they were already friends.

Bruce should have told Clark, right there and then, but it never seemed like the right time. It was easier to allow Clark to believe Bruce and Batman were two separate people. If Bruce Wayne were here, Superman would have already invaded his personal space and hugged him, even though he wasn't a huggable person. If Bruce were here Clark would have made a joke about Bruce's lack of skills in the kitchen.

"Are those scones I smell?" Superman's eyes widened, his voice growing an alcove higher. For a second he allowed Clark Kent to leak through the crevices.

Bruce should have known he couldn't hide Alfred's cooking for long. Not when he was in the presence of an alien that could smell brownies baking in North Dakota all the way from outer space. Wordlessly Batman proffered up the bag of scones from under his black cape.

"I didn't know Batman could cook!" Superman said excitedly, taking the bag of scones from him. "I mean of course you can cook . . ." he bit through a chunk of strawberry scone, the sticky red jam dripping down his chin. "You're Bate-man - can do anything!" Clark said through a mouthful of scone.

Bruce involuntarily winced. He didn't know how long he could keep up this facade. It took all his willpower not to comment on Kansas' poor eating habits.

"Funny," Superman swallowed, licking his fingers. "My friend's butler makes scones just like . . ."

"Oh my Rao," Robin gaped up at Superman, grinning ear to ear. "You're Superman!"

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