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you fucking kidding me!!
The attack was from Aldora's!

uncle Michale Aldora is dad's best friend why would he attack on my wedding!?
Are you sure about that?

Yes boss!! I have checked it by multiple sources!

does dad know about it yet?

probably not boss, only some of out informants know! Noah replied

don't tell him for the time being!
I have to meet uncle Michale ! myself

okay boss! Noah left the room.

My mind full of thoughts as to why, uncle Michale must've did that!


I entered uncle Michale's study,
him sitting in his chair lighting a cigar.

Hey Aaron long time no see ha!
with the greetings he offered me to sit.

How to i owe this pleasure to have you hear.! uncle Michale asked.

I guess you already know the reason why i am here!!
So I'll get straight to the point.

I know ,it was you uncle who attacked on my wedding but,
i just cant understand why or what for!!

It was nothing personal Aaron! he replied without even looking at me.

How the FUCK it was not personal that was my god damn wedding!!!!

watch you language Aaron! he said,
I never meant to harm you ! the attack was for Ms Ortega!.

The moment Amber's name left his mouth, the blood in my body started heating !

Now you watch your mouth Michale!

She's my wife!!
Try to even think about touching her again and i wont leave you to be capable to thinking again!

Saying those words i left the room.
Uncle Michale is like my own father ,I've known him from when i was like 6 years old ,
I never even had talked back to him in all those years.

But today i don't know why i reacted that way.

The thought of Amber getting hurt ! hurted my heart .
That girl Amber brings out a side of me that no one can, without even my knowing.

I am on my way to Amber's office!
Because by the time she also must've figured who was behind the attack .

and now that stupid girl must be planning on how to take revenge!
And i have to stop her!
not because she'll lose but,
she will probably try to take down the whole damn Aldora organization.

And if she want she can!!!!

I reached her office,
its my first time here so i asked someone ,where Amber is ,
and now i am on my way to this so called underground garage.!

I opened the garage door!
catching everyone attention,
and spotting Amber!!

Sitting in a stool infront of three almost dead men's,
her face splashed with raw blood.
more blood dripping from her cutter holding hands
and a already cutted finger dropped beside her.!


Hey guys!
will she be taking down the organization??
or Aaron would be able to stop her!?
be excited for the next part<3

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