Chapter 9: Sharing Knowledge in Combat

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The guild's backyard was currently crowded with a large number of people. The people who came to the guild's backyard had the aim of watching the fight that Allen and Rumi would have. Laxus is also present to watch the fight. He previously practiced in the backyard. Therefore, he immediately knew the information about the fight that Allen and Rumi would have.

“The betting house has opened!” Macao's screams echoed in the courtyard. He is currently seen holding a small notebook followed by a wooden bucket which is used to hold money that will be used for betting, "Please those who want to place a bet come directly to me! Come on everyone! Do not miss!"


"Do you intend to do it?"

“The winner has been determined. Everyone also knew that the one who would win in this fight was, Allen. No results will be accepted as long as we follow the bet”

"Hey! Macao! What's the point of opening a betting house?! The outcome of the battle has also been determined! Everyone doesn't want to suffer losses from this battle!”

“Fuck! What do you mean?!” Rumi shouted with an annoyed face, "Do you think I will lose this fight?!"

“That's a foregone conclusion, okay?” Keigo said casually, “This battle has already had a result. We don't need to bother betting because we definitely won't get anything. But, well, if you really think you're going to win. Why don’t you choose yourself in this fight?”

"Bastard Keigo..."

“He really plays Rumi…”

“Hmph!” Rumi sniffed in disgust looking at Keigo, “Did you think I would fall for your game? Go away you fur bastard!”

“Ara, it doesn't seem to work”

"Hahaha~ Your game is too obvious, Keigo"

“Even if Rumi has a stupid brain. He definitely won't fall for such an easy game.”

“These bastards…” Rumi gritted her teeth in anger, “Just wait you guys! After the fight with Allen, I will definitely let you pay for what you said!”

“Oh? We are waiting for it, Rumi"

"Come on! Come on Rumi! We support you! Hope you don't lose too painfully!”

The betting house opened by Makao was ultimately unsuccessful. The guild members had no intention of placing bets. Therefore, he quickly closed the betting house he had made and began to focus on watching the battle between the two.

“Hmph! It seems like they have a lot of hope for you.” Rumi said seriously to Allen, “Is it possible that the information about you isn't wrong?”

“You can judge for yourself” Allen shrugged his shoulders casually, “You can start whenever you want. I am ready to accept your resistance."

“Arrogant or perhaps overconfident in your strength?”

"Okay! The battle between Allen and Rumi! Starting!” Makarov, who was appointed as the referee, immediately opened the fight between the two.

Rumi quickly mobilized the magic energy she had. She uses this magic energy to increase her body strength and leg strength. She then shot at full speed towards Allen.

“Good speed. But, it's still too slow."

“Lunar Continuous!”

It only took a split second for Rumi to arrive in front of Allen. She immediately launched an attack using his feet at high speed. Rumi's attack trajectory was noticed by Allen even without the help of his Observation Haki. Even though the attack released by Rumi was very fast in the eyes of other people. For Allen, Rumi's attack speed was still too slow.

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