Chapter 2: Guild - Fairy Tail

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Train Station, Onibus City.

[Notice to all Onibus Station train passengers. The train heading to Magnolia City will arrive in five minutes. It is hoped that passengers who already have tickets will prepare themselves and their luggage.]

The announcement was repeated twice. Passengers who currently have tickets are starting to prepare themselves along with their luggage. One of the passengers who was leaving for Magnolia City was a person wearing a black robe. The person appears to be holding a train ticket to Magnolia City in his right hand. He looked very calm waiting for the train which would soon arrive.

The sound of a train siren suddenly echoed in the train station. A train will soon arrive at the station. The train slowly started to slow down and finally stopped right at the stop. The passengers on the train started to get off one by one. Meanwhile, the passengers who were going to board the train were all still waiting calmly until all the passengers on the train got off.

The time for passengers to board the train finally arrived. The passengers immediately walked into the train and then took their respective places. The figure wearing a black robe also entered the train. The train carriage entered by the figure wearing a black robe is a train gate specifically for executive ticket holders.

Every passenger holding an executive ticket will get their own cabin on the train. The figure wearing a black robe quickly found his own cabin with the help of an employee on duty in the train carriage. He immediately entered the cabin then locked the door.

He then immediately removed the top cover of the robe he was wearing. When the top cover of the robe was removed, the appearance of the figure could be seen at this moment. The figure has a cute appearance. He has short white hair. His skin is white followed by purple eye pupils. He has neatly groomed eyebrows and long eyelashes.

The name of this figure is Allen

He immediately took a place on the sofa which was close to the cabin window. He suddenly took a deep breath as his gaze looked outside the cabin, "Third chance, huh?"

Allen's gaze shows a melancholy touch. He still finds it hard to believe that he got a third chance to live a life.

The train siren suddenly echoed again. The appearance of the siren indicates that the train will soon move. The train entrance was immediately locked by employees. The passengers calmly sat in their respective seats. The train slowly started to move again and the speed increased over time.

The carriage quickly headed towards Magnolia City.

In fact, Allen had an ability that allowed him to get to Magnolia City very quickly. With such abundant magical energy reserves, it was very easy for him to do such things. However, Allen refused to do anything of the sort. Such actions would only diminish the sense of adventure that he wanted to undertake. Apart from that, using the train also has its own advantages. He could enjoy the view of this world more closely.

The fragrant aroma of food suddenly wafted from inside the cabin used by Allen. The aroma came from the food which was currently right in front of Allen. The food was food that Allen had previously bought at a restaurant close to the Onibus station. Although the taste of the food made by that restaurant was still inferior to the dishes made by him. Allen didn't really care because he ate just for fun and to fill his stomach.

The distance between Onibus City and Magnolia City was not very far. It only takes two hours by train to reach your destination. The two-hour train journey provided Allen with many interesting experiences. He saw many unique things that existed in his new world today.


Magnolia City

Magnolia City is one of the cities in the Kingdom of Fiore. Magnolia City is in the southern region of the Kingdom of Fiore and is one of the most famous cities in the Kingdom. This city became famous because of the existence of a Wizards Guild. Almost every city occupied by the Wizarding Guild is a famous city. This is because living in a city that has a Wizard Guild will have higher security than living in a city that does not have a Wizard Guild.

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