Chapter 5

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A week later found Zach and Becca at the lab, undergoing a paternity test. 

"All right, Miss. Hopkins," the lab tech said, smiling at Becca. "All you should feel is a little pinch. Let me know if you experience any pain."

Becca grabbed Zach's hand and closed her eyes. When the tech inserted the needle into her arm Becca squeezed his hand. He winced at her punishing grip.

"Try and relax," Zach said softly.

"That's easy for you to say," Becca snapped. "You're not the one getting stuck with a needle. You know I hate needles and yet you asked me to do this."

Zach took a breath and let it out slowly. "You're almost done. Talk to me. Maybe that will help take your mind off what's going on."

"I've been thinking a lot lately about the future," Becca muttered. "We need to discuss how we're going to raise the baby together."

Zach didn't want to talk about that until he heard the results of the paternity test. "Have you picked a name?"

"Not yet," Becca said. "I have a few in mind. What about you? Do you have any names in mind?"

"I always thought if I had a daughter I would name her Katherine, after my mother," Zach said.

"I'll add it to the list," Becca said. "We've got three weeks to make a decision."

The tech announced she was done. She removed the tourniquet and then gently withdrew the needle from Becca's arm. Grabbing gauze, she pressed down on the injection site.

"How long will it take to get the results?" Zach inquired.

"You have to give your sample too," Becca said.

"I came in yesterday and did a cheek swab," Zach informed her.

"You will get the results in one to two business days," the tech responded, wrapping a compression bandage around Becca's arm.

"Call him," Becca said, nodding at Zach. "I don't need to hear the results. I already know."

The tech stripped off her gloves. "I have your number, Mr. Abernathy. I will call you the minute I have the results."

"Thank you," Zach said.

She smiled. "You are free to go."

Zach helped Becca out of the chair and then helped her put on her jacket. They thanked the lab tech and left the room. No words were spoken until they reached the parking lot.

"Do you need to get back to the office?" Becca wanted to know. "If not, I thought maybe we could get some lunch."

Zach glanced at his watch and reached for the phone on his belt. He called Olivia's cell phone.

"Hello, sir," she said, coming on the line, after the second ring.

"Olivia, I'm going to be out of the office until one," Zach said.

"You have a meeting with Mr. Jordan at twelve-forty," Olivia reminded him.

"Reschedule," Zach said.

"Yes, sir," she said. "Anything else you need?"

"No, that's all." Zach ended the call. "Where would you like to eat?"

"I have a craving for enchiladas," Becca said.

"Then we'll go to On The Border," Zach said.

"I miss margaritas." Sighing, Becca rubbed her swollen belly. "I can't wait for the baby to get here, so I can have a drink again."

"Can you have alcohol while breastfeeding?" Zach asked, hitting the button on the key fob to unlock the doors.

"I don't plan to breastfeed," Becca said.

Zach opened the passenger door and Becca got in. He moved around to the driver's side and slid behind the wheel. "Isn't breastfeeding better for the baby?"

"Formula is just as good." Becca fastened her seatbelt. "Bottle feeding will be easier for me, especially when I have to go back to work. I don't want to mess with pumping milk at the office."

Zach didn't say anything more on the matter. It was her body and her decision. All that mattered was the baby was taken care of.

Olivia was sitting at her desk, eating her lunch, when the phone on her desk rang. She put down her sandwich and grabbed the phone. "Zach Abernathy's office. Olivia speaking."

"Hey, Olivia, it's Dex."

"Dex, hello," Olivia said. "Your brother's not here right now."

"I know that," Dex said. "I talked to him earlier. He was having lunch with Becca."

The thought of Zach with Becca had her heart squeezing painfully in her chest. She closed her eyes, taking a deep breath. She needed to get a grip. Zach would be spending a lot of time with Becca, if the baby she was carrying ended up being his.

"I called to talk to you," Dex said. "Tomorrow's the birthday of a friend of the family. Mom is throwing her a surprise party. I was wondering if you would like to be my date for the party."

Olivia grimaced, wishing he hadn't asked. She couldn't go on a date with him when she was in love with his brother. "I don't think-"

"We're just having a small party," Dex interrupted. "It's not a big deal."

The little voice in Olivia's head told her she wouldn't be doing anything wrong by accepting. Besides, she couldn't live her life on the sidelines, pining for a man she couldn't have. That was no way to live. Why shouldn't she enjoy Dex's company?

"All right," she said. "I'll go with you."

"I'll pick you up at six-thirty," Dex said.

"Let me give you my address." Olivia gave him her home address. "I'll see you tomorrow night."

"Looking forward to it," Dex said. "Bye, Olivia."

No sooner had she ended the call and her cell phone started ringing. She retrieved the phone from the top drawer of her desk. Checking the caller ID, she saw it was Zach's mother. She accepted the call.

"Hello, Kate."

"Olivia, how are you?"

"I'm well," Olivia said. "And you?"

"Oh, I can't complain," Mrs. Abernathy said. "Are you free tomorrow night? I'm throwing a surprise birthday party for a friend. I would love for you to come and meet her."

"I just talked to Dex," Olivia said. "He asked me to accompany him to the party. I said yes."

"Excellent," Mrs. Abernathy said.

"What is your friend's name?" Olivia queried.

"Annabelle," Mrs. Abernathy replied. "Everyone calls her Belle. She's more like family than a friend. The boys adore her."

Olivia smiled. It was funny how she referred to grown men as boys. "I'm looking forward to meeting her. Do you need help with the party? Can I bring anything?"

"I have everything under control, dear," the older woman said. "You don't need to bring anything."

"I should bring Annabelle something," Olivia said. "It's her birthday. What's her favorite flower?"

"She likes pink tulips," Mrs. Abernathy answered.

"Then I'll get her pink tulips," Olivia said.

"I'll see you tomorrow night," Mrs. Abernathy said. "Have a lovely afternoon."

Olivia wished her the same and said goodbye. 

A/N: I'm looking forward to sharing the next chapter with you all. The party is going to be fun. ;) Anyway, thank you for your support. I appreciate it. Hope you enjoyed the chapter. 

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