**Chapter 11: A Broken World**

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After Sanji's painful departure from the "Baratie" and his love, Zoro's life entered a new phase. As the owner of the "Baratie" hotel, Zoro was no longer the same passionate hotel owner who had led the prestigious establishment alongside Sanji. Yet, despite his new life with Hiyori, Zoro couldn't shake the memory of the love he had lost. His heart longed for Sanji, the man who had been his soulmate and partner in both love and the hotel business.

As the months passed, Zoro discovered that Hiyori, too, was unhappy in their marriage. She had married him under the assumption that he would eventually grow to love her, but she could see that his heart still belonged to another.

One evening, as they sat in their lavish home, Zoro and Hiyori had a heartfelt conversation. "Zoro," Hiyori said, her voice tinged with sadness, "I can see that you're still in love with him. I can't bear to hold you back."

Zoro nodded, tears in his eyes. "I'm so sorry, Hiyori. You deserve someone who can give you their whole heart."

With mutual understanding, Zoro and Hiyori decided to part ways amicably. Zoro's heartache was a constant companion, but he knew that he couldn't deny his true feelings any longer.

The eleventh chapter closes with Zoro making the painful decision to seek out Sanji and try to mend the love they had lost. The city's culinary world was once again about to be flavored with the possibility of reconciliation and a second chance at love.

From Kitchen to Heart: Sanji's Culinary Romance | ZoSan!Where stories live. Discover now