**Chapter 13: A Mysterious Offer**

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Zoro's relentless search for Sanji continued, and his journey took him to Osaka, a city known for its rich cultural heritage and traditions. As a katana enthusiast, Zoro couldn't resist the allure of a katana shop he stumbled upon during his business trip.

He entered the shop, and his eyes were immediately drawn to a rare and exquisite katana, displayed proudly on the shelf. It was a masterpiece, a blade of unparalleled craftsmanship. Zoro couldn't take his eyes off it, and his desire to own this remarkable piece of art was overwhelming.

As he stared at the katana, a lady in a beautiful blue floral dress, who seemed to be the shop's owner, approached him. Her presence was as captivating as the katana itself. She spoke up, her voice soft but confident, "I'm sorry, but this katana is not for sale."

Zoro, determined to possess the katana, replied with conviction, "I can pay any amount you desire for this katana. Name your price."

The lady, her eyes filled with a mysterious allure, shook her head. "This katana is worth more than any sum of money."

Zoro, growing more intrigued and determined, pushed further. "I'll pay a billion for it. Just name your price."

The lady's proposition caught him off guard. "What about a date with me in exchange for the katana? Just one date."

Zoro, puzzled by the unconventional offer, contemplated in his mind. "What a strange proposition," he thought. She had mentioned that the katana was worth more than money, but a date seemed like a peculiar request. Still, he agreed, thinking, "It's just one date, and then I'll have that katana. I hope it's not a scam."

He replied to the lady, "Are you sure you'll give me the katana for free in exchange for one date?"

The lady, with a warm and enigmatic smile, nodded. "Absolutely. Just one date, and the katana is all yours."

She handed him her number and revealed a time and place for their meeting: "We'll meet at All Blue Cafe at 11 am."

Zoro accepted her offer and left the katana shop, his mind filled with curiosity and anticipation. Little did he know that this mysterious encounter would lead to unexpected turns in his life and possibly alter the course of his search for Sanji.

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