Meeting Wonder Woman

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Wonder Woman was surprised to see a micro girl all by herself in the wilds of Themyscira, especially one as young as her. Despite the Amazon's numerous offers to protect them, the micros were still very wary of venturing beyond their village. Because of this, Diana rarely saw the tiny women. This might have been the first time she had seen one of them in her entire life.

Peering down at the micro, Diana could make out a slender, petite blonde who couldn't have been beyond her early twenties. She didn't look particularly athletic or severely lazy but could still run quite fast. She also looked quite cute.

Wonder Woman: Why hello there little one, are you okay?

Sophia was so stunned that she couldn't initially speak, but she managed to get her words out.

Sophia: Yeah, I'm okay. It was just a sudden fall is all.

Wonder Woman: Seems like it was more than sudden.

Sophia: I'm fine, really! No cuts or bruises.

Wonder Woman: I guess you're right, but it can't be too pleasant in that bush. Do you mind if I pick you up?

Sophia couldn't believe what she just heard.

Sophia: Of course, not at all.

Wonder Woman: Good.

Wonder Woman slowly slipped her hand below Sophia and brought her up to her smiling face. The micro could feel herself becoming red with nervousness.

Wonder Woman: I'm guessing you don't see giant people's faces very often do you?

Sophia: No, I don't.

Wonder Woman: Well don't be nervous 'cause I'm not gonna hurt you.

Wonder Woman's motherly words made Sophia feel all warm and tingly inside, almost to an embarrassing degree.

Sophia: I didn't think you would.

Wonder Woman: Well now you have clarification.

Sophia giggled at Diana's humor, which made Diana giggle herself.

Wonder Woman: What shall we do now?

Sophia: A calm walk through the forest would do just fine.

Wonder Woman: Alright then.

Wonder Woman brought Sophia up to her shoulder, which the tiny girl quickly got comfortable on.

Sophia: Off we go then Wonder Woman?

Wonder Woman: Off we go. And please, call me Diana.

Sophia: Okay… Diana.

The little girl giggled at the normal sounding name. Wonder Woman then began walking through the forest, taking in all the sights and sounds with the tiny girl on her shoulders.

Sophia was in complete bliss. She was on the shoulder of the most beautiful woman she knew of. She could barely contain herself in the Amazon's presence. Ultimately, she settled on taking in the forest's many wonders with her.

Sophia: So why were you after that hellhound Wonder Woman?

Wonder Woman: Oh that mut? He got out of Hades' playground a while back. The old God's been nagging us to go and catch his pet for him, so much that we couldn't forget it. The other Amazonians wanted to wait it out and make him do it himself, but I got tired of waiting and tracked the hound down myself.

Sophia: Well you definitely showed that hound, didn't you?

Wonder Woman: I sure did. I don't think he'll be leaving the underworld anytime soon.

Wonder Woman laughed to herself at her warrior pride, which reverberated throughout her body in heavy vibrations. This greatly excited Sophia, who's heart fluttered sky high.

Sophia: (Woah, Diana is really powerful)

Sophia has gotten her first taste of Wonder Woman's powerful body, and it would not be the last.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2023 ⏰

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