A Primal Showdown

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On the island of Themyscira, there were two races of female beings. One was the famous Amazons, mighty warriors that could face any threat and fight them with fiery courage. The other was a less known group: the micros. These were women who were no bigger than 2 inches tall and lived in the shadows of the bigger Amazons. Despite the size differences, the two races got along very well, even forming a friendship. For millennia, it seems like this truce would remain for all time. However, that was seemingly about to change.

One early summer day, a young girl named Sophia was exploring the lush wilderness of Themyscira. She had done this numerous times throughout her life when she had time to herself. Now that she had recently turned 18 years of age, Sophia could explore with complete freedom. Today alone she had seen numerous locales and animal life that she had previously only heard stories about.

Sophia: Wow, Themyscira has been so much fun to explore. I could never be this adventurous with mom always watching me like an eagle.

Sophia was beginning to feel tuckered out from the day's adventures and was just about to start heading home, when suddenly a loud rustling from some nearby trees startled Sophia. Immediately, she ran for a nearby tree and began climbing up the large wooden body. Such a climb would be grueling for someone of her size, but micros had an uncanny ability to move at incredible speeds and cover distances in the same amount of time as a normal sized human. This power allowed Sophia to quickly hide in the dense tree tops. Peaking through the vegetation, Sophia looked out to see what was causing the commotion. To her shock, out came none other than the mighty Wonder Woman into the clearing, looking as proud as an Amazon warrior could be.

Sophia: Oh my gosh, Wonder Woman! It's actually her!

Sophia had heard stories about many of Themyscira's wonders, but none captivated her more than Wonder Woman, known on the island as Princess Diana. All her life, she heard tales of her many heroic deeds, both as a lone warrior and as a member of the Justice League. Many micros drew beautiful paintings of the warrior princess that looked almost like an actual photo. Through these paintings, Sophia would develop not just an admiration for Wonder Woman, but also a bit of a huge crush.

Now Sophia was able to see her with her own eyes for the first time in her life. The young woman was amazed at how much she really looked like all the paintings she had seen throughout her life. The small girl looked intensively through the leaves of the trees at Wonder Woman, completely mesmerized by her physique and beauty. Never before had Sophia seen a female that was as beautiful and attractive as Diana.

Sophia: I never thought Wonder Woman could be even more beautiful in real life than in those paintings. I wonder what she's doing out here?

As Sophia watched Wonder Woman closely, she could see that the Amazon was tracking something as she knelt and investigated a footprint on the ground below.

Wonder Woman: It's close by, I can feel it. I can't be far behind.

A loud growl erupted from a nearby bush, which startled both Wonder Woman and Sophia. The Amazon pulled out her sword and shield, standing ready to battle her enemy. Out from the bush came a ferocious hellhound, its slobbering jaws bearing its sharp teeth at Diana.

Wonder Woman: There you are hell mutt. It's time to return to your master in the underworld.

The hellhound thought differently as it pounced at Diana, who promptly swung her sword and sliced at the dog's chest. It was only a surface wound, but it still deeply hurt the mad beast. It lunged with jaws wide open at the warrior, but Diana raised her shield and blocked the attack. Throwing the weight to one side, Wonder Woman threw her sword and shield high into the air before grabbing the hellhound with her arms and wrestling it to the ground. The hound fought back valiantly, but Diana easily punched the beast down with powerful thrusts from her strong arms.

Sophia was in awe at the sight before her. The mighty Wonder Woman was immobilizing a terrifying hellhound, one that looked like it came from the deepest levels of the underworld. The mighty warrior fought the beast like it was just a puppy. It was clear that Wonder Woman would be the victor. The excitement inside Sophia grew as the battle waged on, her heart pounding furiously inside her chest to the point where her breathing couldn't keep up.

Eventually, Wonder Woman pinned the hellhound down by the jaws, not letting go until she was sure the beast admitted defeat.

Wonder Woman: Alright hotshot, fights over. I'm your alpha now, got it?

The hound whimpered in agreement.

Wonder Woman: Good, now back to your master you go.

Wonder Woman thrust her arms under the mighty hellhound, lifting it up into the air effortlessly. She then threw a powerful kick that sent the dog flying high across the sky's horizon, right back to its master in the underworld.

Wonder Woman: That should please Hades... for a while at least.

Wonder Woman brushed her hands off and grabbed her arsenal as it finally came back to Earth. Sophia was enthralled by the sight, so much that she inadvertently got up and started cheering.

Sophia: Alright Wonder Woman you rock! You're amazing!!! You...

In her excitement, Sophia lost her balance and fell down into a nearby bush below. The kerfuffle the micro made grabbed Diana's attention.

Wonder Woman: What on earth was that? Is a hellhound not enough for one day?

Sophia now lay on a small branch in a bush, dazed from the sudden fall. Her vision was blurry as her senses tried to realign themselves. The girl groaned heavily until she fully regained her vision. When she did, she was presented with a most breathtaking sight. Wonder Woman stood firmly above, looking directly down at the micro girl before her.

Sophia: (Oh my gosh! Wonder Woman is looking at me! This can't be real?)

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