Chapter Sixteen: To Mount Olympus

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The great mountain stretched high above the clouds, touching into the heavens. It was a splendid sight, one that Psyche had never seen before. A splendor of gold and marble that even put the house of Aphrodite and even her beloved palace to shame with the very architecture it displayed. It sprawled on forever and though Eros touched them down just outside the front entrance, the many voices of servants and gods could be heard clamoring throughout the entire structure.

Eros took hold of Psyche's hand, pulling her close to his side as if afraid that she would be taken from him, and led her straight through the palace of the Olympians. She had a hard time keeping her eyes forward. For every hall they passed she was stealing glances down them, her head like a swivel as she eyed every piece of luxurious carved statues that guarded every few feet. The paintings that ornamented the walls were the works of something she had never laid eyes on before in the mortal world or done by mortal hands and were awe-inspiring.

The hallway they followed winded around, splitting into a central courtyard where a throne sat in the center. Surrounded by lush greenery and prominent flora that sang of the beauty of the golden palace of mount Olympus. Here there were many gods, most of them talking and laughing amongst themselves. Many that she could name just by sight and looks by the way they resembled the statues in their temples back in the realm of mortals.

Upon the throne he sat. A large man that was both strong for his advancing age but wise in his eyes. While all the other gods had yet to realize Eros had come through the courtyard, Zeus had his gaze firmly set upon the god of love and his guest that he held fast to should she be expelled from the halls of the Olympians. Zeus said nothing as Eros approached, but as they came forward, Psyche found herself kneeling beside Eros, her arms wrapping around his leg as she prostrated herself before the mighty Zeus, but noticed Eros did not bow before the God of Gods.

"Eros, you forget where you are, son? Bringing a mortal to the house of Olympus?"

Zeus's words brought the attention of the others to the center of the courtyard. The silence soon followed as they all turned to look at Eros with his beloved Psyche now standing before Zeus. Only a few whispers could be heard, most of them speaking of "That is the girl." or "that is who Demeter spoke of" before they hushed again, wanting to know exactly what Eros planned to do, for it was unheard of to bring humans this far up the mountain, let alone all the way before Zeus.

"I stand before you, Zeus, not just as a god but as a God in love with this woman. I have come before you to ask that you bless this union between us."

"Stop!" A voice called from the entrance of the courtyard. Aphrodite came running along, nearly through the crowd of people as she approached the throne, "She is a mortal! We all know that love between a God and a Mortal can never truly go on further than the trysts of Earth. What Eros calls for is forbidden. Marriage can only happen between the gods!"

There was a murmur that erupted among the crowd of onlookers. Aphrodite was moving closer towards the center of the courtyard, closer towards where Eros stood front and center before Zeus, but Psyche remained with her head bowed. She clung tightly to Eros's leg, afraid of losing him just as much as he was afraid of losing her. After all, she had already lost him once and she had gone through Hades just to get him back.

"She might be mortal, but our love goes beyond those simple pleasures. Our union goes beyond just lust and sex. Zeus, surely you understand, for if there is any god that could understand the love I feel for her, it is you."

"Quiet everyone!" Zeus's voice thundered as he tried to listen to Eros. The murmuring once again died out and he'd look to the God of love, seeing the anger and desperation written upon his face. "I understand, Eros, but your mother is right. She is a mortal and mortals cannot be here with us, not like this. You know this. She must return to the mortal world where she belongs."

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