Cale Henituse

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The blast from the two swordmasters' auras created an explosion strong enough to send ordinary citizens flying. Thankfully, all members of Alberu's group were well trained individuals, as they were able to safely plant their feet onto the ground. Both Ron and Beacrox Molan used their daggers as a makeshift hook for stable footing, while Lock sunk his claws not far from where the Molan duo were.

This wasn't the case for everyone however, as the Wolf King had to catch a grip of Rosalyn's arm in order to steady the former princess. Since being a woman, she had a far lighter weight, making her not as wind resistant as she would like. Alberu grits his teeth as he stabbed his sword to the ground. He squints his eyes towards Choi Han and the other swordmaster that was dealing blow after blow against one another.

This was not looking good.

Even if the blue haired man was an enemy, the Forest of Darkness would not be able to handle the fighting force between two swoardmasters. He needed to find a way to stop Choi Han from rampaging any longer. Because it seems like the swordmasters aren't aware of the damages they're causing to their surroundings. Just as the crown prince was about to open his mouth, the blue-haired swordmaster spoke first.

"Hey, can't you just listen to me for a second?!" The other swordmaster's voice was loud enough to get Choi Han's attention. Choi Han was blown back by another explosion of green aura, but was able to quickly land on his feet. The black haired swordmaster looked up at the other swordmaster with suspicion. He silently thought to himself. Why would a swordmaster of his caliber be drunkenly roaming around in one of the forbidden regions?

Alberu might often be the decision maker of the group, but that doesn't mean that Choi Han was so stupid that he woudn't be able to make a conclusion for himself! It was plainly obvious that the person's presence in this forest was completely out of element.

But Choi Han could only reluctantly slide back his sword into place with a single glance from Alberu. It was Alberu's way of saying that he wants to compromise and negotiate with the other person first. Only when the other party decides to attack will Alberu order his knight to take action.

Choi Han sullenly walked back to his liege's side. Though he did glare at the blue haired swordsman, as if daring him to try and do anything funny. The blue haired swordmaster simply shook his head and shrug his shoulders in response to Choi Han's unnecessary dog-like behavior.

"Fuuh- That was harder than it looks, you know." The swordmaster complained. He was trying to act casual, as if nothing happened. But Alberu noticed that the man's hand, which he used to counter Choi Han's attack shook rather obviously. This caused Alberu to be slightly surprised. He had initially thought that this other swordmaster was on par with Choi Han in terms of strength.

It turned out to be incorrect. Well, of course it was. How could he even think that there would be someone equal in strength to a monster like Choi Han? The crown prince felt a bit stupid for genuinely doubting his knight's monstrous strength. He inwardly nodded his head.

Yeah, right. The day where Choi Han would find an equal is the day when pigs would fly.

Alberu gave out a sigh of relief at this, knowing that the other party wouldn't be able to pose a threat to him, even if he tried.

His attention was brought back with the way the other swordmaster waved his hands in front of Alberu's face. The crown prince wasn't too bothered by the rude gesture, but Choi Han looked at the other party as if he wanted to cut the other swordmaster in half. Which Alberu prayed that Choi Han won't. Or else it'll cause the crown prince more headaches than he could handle. Alberu sighed. 

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