Part 1

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20 years ago (age 4)
"I'm glad the children get on well Lorenzo" Herve says watching his son and best friends daughter play together with their toys in the sitting room
"They'll get married one day" Lorenzo, the King of Monaco, says while taking a sip of his drink
"Definitely, but I thought..." Herve starts before getting cut off
"The royal protocol" Lorenzo says finishing the sentence for him "I won't let that stop them. I'll make sure they can be wedded"

10 years ago (age 14)
"Amelie come play the piano with me, I'll play and you can sing" Charles says to his best friend
"Fine, but I'm choosing the song"

7 years ago (age 17)
"I have a Karting race tomorrow in France" Charles tells Amelie 
"Just... be careful, I have an event so I can't come watch you" she admits
"That's ok Ami, I'll tell you all about it when I'm back"

5 years ago (age 19)
"That was Pascale, uhm Herve has just passed away" King Lorenzo says putting the phone down as a single tear rolls down his cheek. 
"I..." Amelie tries to speak but can't get the words out being full of emotion so her older brother Loui wraps his arms around her.
"You should go and see the boys Amelie, you too Loui" their mother Celine tells them "Tell Pascale we'll visit tomorrow"
Loui and Amelie leave and are driven to the Leclerc's home and when they arrive there is nothing but sadness floating in the air. 
"Our parents said they will come by tomorrow but we wanted to see if there was any way we could help you, all of you" Loui says while taking a seat on the sofa.
"None of us expected it to happen so soon" Lorenzo says (the oldest Leclerc sibling) causing Charles to walk out to his room with tears coming down his cheeks so Amelie followed him after excusing herself from the others.

"Charles" she says gently walking over to him sat on the bed with his head in his hands and crouching in front of him.
"Mon amour, I can't, my father he..." Charles tries to say
"I know, I know, it's hard but he wouldn't want us to be this upset" she says softly taking his hands in hers "At least he's in a better place now, he's out of pan and he is definitely proud of you, everyone is"

A day before Herve's funeral
"But father, it's Herve! Charles father! Your best friend! How can you choose to go to an event over his funeral?" Amelie says in disgust after King Lorenzo told her that they were all going to Spain for dinner with the Spanish Royal Family.
"Because his death doesn't mean we should neglect our duties!" he snaps back at her
"You are unbelievable! I'm not going to Spain, I'll be there to show my respects and be there to support Pascale and the boys" she tells him
"No! You will not go to the funeral, you will be in Spain because it's the annual dinner"
"I don't even care about that, you're just pathetic" Amelie says before walking out.

"Why are you not going to the funeral? Herve was your best friend" Celine asks her husband
"Because I don't want to let him go and we have duties to do"
"You really are unbelievable" she says before turning on her heals leaving Lorenzo alone in his office.

Day of Herve's funeral
"I can't believe she's not here? Does she not care?" Charles says looking around the church
"None of the Moreau's are here" Lorenzo says after returning from making sure everyone was seated
"I really thought at least Ami would be here," he says sadly "She promised"
"Never make a promise with a Princess"

Amelie was sat at the dinner and excused herself to use the bathroom where she tries to call Charles to tell him why she's not there and apologise but it goes straight to voice mail. She tries to message him but it failed to send and when she tried to DM him he left her on opened.

Charles Leclerc

I'm so sorry for not being there today, 
my father made us all go to Spain for
the annual dinner. I tried my hardest
to refuse but you know how he is with
duties. I'm so incredibly sorry Charlie.
Please answer, I'm truly sorry but I had
no choice. I wish you would answer xx


When she tries to go back to the table she sees her brother coming towards her
"What are you doing?" he asks
"I tried calling Charles to apologise but I think he's blocked me" she says with glossy eyes
"I'm sorry petite soeur" he says giving her a kiss on the foorhead
"Let's go back to dinner" she says walking back to the table causing Loui to sigh.

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