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Emerson looked closely into the phone that Bela held for her as she drew Whitney's name and number on her face. 

"It's just a soccer game, is the full war paint necessary?" Bela grumbled, faking an arm cramp so she could put the phone down.

"I'm doing this for Whitney." Emerson smirked. "And I expect you all to do this at every single one of my games."

Kimberley looked up from her book with a smile. "I can't wait,"

"Are you seriously studying at a tailgate?" Emerson laughed, taking a sip of her beer.

"I have to, I'm failing econ." Kimberley mumbled, jotting something down in the margin of her notebook.

"That's because you're to busy fucking Nico." Bela giggled. "You're always just moaning and sweaty and-"

Emerson kicked Bela hard in the shin as Leighton stepped toward the group. "Why did you stop talking when I came over? Is it because of my glasses?" She pushed the frames up her nose. "My mom forgot to send my contacts."

Emerson smiled at Leighton. It wasn't like a pair of designer glasses could make anyone look bad- but it certainly didn't affect Leighton's beauty at all. In fact, Emerson liked the look of her glasses. They accentuated her face and brought out her eyes. Emerson couldn't help but laugh. "No, Leight, you look fine."

"We're just surprised you came, that's all." Kimberley shut her book quickly, slipping it into her bag. "I thought you hated soccer."

"Oh, I do, I'm just here to support Whitney. Y'know, I like her," Leighton grinned at the brunette.

"Do you like me?" Bela crossed her arms, raising an eyebrow as she stared toward the taller girl.

"You're fine- anyway... I probably won't stay long. I have to plan Nico's surprise party, I always plan them." She said with a smile, thinking of the fun she'd had at her brother's birthdays,

"You should invite us." Kimberley looked toward Bela pointedly for support.

"Yeah, you totally should, it would be so fun." Bela nodded.

"I-" Leighton was saved by the entrance of the women's soccer team. The crowd roared with excitement as the girls sprinted through the crowd toward the field. Whitney ran alongside them, pointing toward the girls there for her. Emerson yelled loudly in support. 

The game was a back and forth fight- each team scoring two goals in the match, forcing an overtime. Leighton had found herself having fun. She was with the people she liked the most watching her friend kickass. Of course, Kimberley had to make it awkward.

"Do you guys ever feel like you need to pee but you can't?" She whispered. Emerson looked at her, slowly shaking her head.

"That sounds like a UTI." Bela giggled.

The blood drained from Kimberley's face at the words. "Did you forget to pee after sex?" Travis called far too loudly for a sporting event with children in attendance. 

"I didn't know you were supposed to do that." Kimberley said in horror. 

Leighton turned toward the girl, her interest piqued. "Who have you been having sex with?"

"She probably just got it from a wet seat in the library or something." Bela blurted.

Leighton looked at her skeptically, but decided to brush it off. "My friend Maya is visiting next week, so lets try to talk less about infected genitals."

Emerson grabbed Leighton's hand, pointing toward the field. The group watched as Whitney pushed upfield, weaving through the defense and nearing the goal before being tripped and crashing to the ground. Emerson turned into Leighton's body without thinking.

"She's okay." Leighton whispered, pulling Emerson away from her. The ref held up a yellow card, and a wave of cheers erupted from the crowd.

"If she makes this, we're in the NCAA tournament." Emerson reached for Bela's hand, who then grabbed Kimberley's.

They watched, interlinked, as Whitney kicked the ball perfectly into the net. The crowd screamed loudly with joy as the team lifted Whitney above their heads. Emerson screamed loudly, beaming toward her suitemate.

Leighton looked down at the brunette, her lips spreading into a wide smile. Emerson's face was red from exertion and cold, her eyes bright with the aftershock of alcohol and excitement. She was perfect, and Leighton knew it. The word that Leighton was scared to say came to her mind. Love. She felt her breath catch at the thought, she was terrified to love. Loving Emerson meant telling people, which meant breaking down Leighton's perfectly built walls. She shook the thoughts from her mind and began to cheer.

The next day was the day Leighton had been waiting for for weeks. It was the last day of their service- they were nearly finished. 

"I'm so ready for this to be fucking done." Leighton grinned as they walked toward the women's center.

Emerson nodded softly, looking toward the ground. "I'm gonna miss having this with you though,"

Leighton sighed, linking her pinky with Emerson's. "Just because we aren't going to do this together doesn't mean I'll stop wanting to be with you, I promise," she spoke softly,

 Emerson gave a teary smile. "Okay."

Leighton shot up as the timer on her phone exclaimed loudly. "That, my friends, is the end of our 100 hours here." She beamed.

"I have to say, I didn't think you'd make it, Murray." Alicia shook her head proudly.

"I guess that's a compliment?" Leighton chuckled.

"Want to stay for the meeting?" Ginger asked, holding cupcakes out toward Emerson and Leighton.

"I think we're okay." Emerson gave a grateful smile. "Thank you all. I'll be back soon."

Leighton took two cupcakes and marched out the door, whispering freedom under her breath. Emerson followed her slowly, catching up near a quiet park. 

"I'm proud of you, baby." Emerson mumbled, pulling Leighton in for a hug,

"Thank you," Leighton inhaled sharply. "I hate to say it but I might miss that place."

"Would you be upset if I kissed you right now?" Emerson breathed.

Leighton looked around quickly before pulling them underneath the shade of an old oak. She leaned down, connecting her lips softly with Emerson's. Her hands found the back of Emerson's neck, gently pulling her closer. 

"Wow, you've become wild." Emerson giggled.

"Only for you, beautiful."

A/N: Sorry for disappearing for so long- I've been settling into sports and have a few new friends- I'm enjoying myself right now, so I hope you enjoy this.

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