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Emerson gently drew a circle on the soft skin of Leighton's cheek, humming softly to herself. Leighton looked up at the brunette with a smile. "Canaan and Whitney are getting together again!"

Emerson chuckled a little before responding. "I like seeing you invested in someone else's happiness."

"Don't be, I am great at empathy."

"Okay, you tell yourself that, baby." Emerson rolled her eyes.

"Hey, I'm the most normal out of all of us."

Emerson raised her eyebrows, looking down at the blonde on her chest. "I'm flattered you think I'm so wild,"

"That's not what I meant," Leighton sighed, sitting up to look at Emerson. "It's just that I have the most straightforward personality I guess." she shrugged.

"Straight is definitely how I'd describe you. You introduced me to the cashier as a 'business associate'," Emerson tried to hide her displeasure at the fact that their relationship was such a secret, but, occasionally, she couldn't stop it from showing. She just wanted everyone to know his much she cared about Leighton and how much Leighton cared about her. Sometimes being with Leighton felt like high school again- being so closeted Emerson felt like she didn't even know who she was.

"Look, Emerson, I'm just not that showy of a person. I don't feel the need to go screaming down the streets 'Look at me and my girlfriend!', I'm just not comfortable with that yet, y'know?"

Emerson felt her lips twitch into a smile. "I'm your girlfriend?"

Leighton looked toward the wall, her face warming with embarrassment. "Yeah... if you want to be."

Emerson smirked, gently turning the blondes' head toward hers so she could lean in for a kiss. It was sweet and gentle, not lustful like the kisses they shared earlier that night.

"So I take that as a yes?" Leighton giggled.

"No, I hate you," Emerson put her best stink face on to the amusement of Leighton.

Leighton sat up, crossing her legs and staring at Emerson. "Thank you for being with me. I haven't been as happy as I am with you ever," she said softly.

Emerson's lips curled into a smile, her hand slipping around Leighton's waist. "I was five minutes away from a mental breakdown all the time before we got together, so I should be thanking you." She grinned, pecking the top of Leighton's nose.

"I'm exhausted, are you ready for bed?" Leighton yawned.

"Sure, let me make sure the door is locked," Emerson eased herself out of the bed, strolling over to lock the door.

"Yo! You good in there?" Bela asked, jiggling the door knob

Leighton scrambled up from Emerson's bed and crawled frantically into hers, pulling the covers over her scantily clad body. Emerson unlocked the door, peaking through. "We're good, just getting ready for bed and I don't want anyone walking in here drunk again." Emerson looked pointedly at Bela.

"Cool, I just thought you might have had someone over," Bela shrugged. "Night,"

Emerson nodded and watched as Bela walked away, pulling the door shut and turning the lock. "Shit, that was a little too close." Emerson giggled quietly.

Leighton nodded, standing up to go back to Emerson's bed.

"You're gorgeous, you know that, right?" Emerson whispered, crossing the room to wrap her arms around Leighton's waist.

"You're not too bad yourself, Jenkins," Leighton grinned, kissing Emerson softly.

Emerson pulled away, beaming. "Are you excited for the game tomorrow?" She asked, sitting down on the bed and pulling the covers over her bare legs.

"Yeah, I guess, I don't enjoy sports much, but I'm happy to support Whitney." Leighton nodded, lying down next to the brunette.

"Well, you should get ready to enjoy the hell out of them, I'm playing softball in a few months," Emerson hadn't mentioned the scholarship- it wasn't something that she felt should dictate her personality like it did in high school, but it was still an important part of her life.

"I had no idea you played!" Leighton gaped.

"I've played since I was 11. It's a passion of mine, and it got me into college, so, that's always nice," Emerson chuckled.

"You really are gay, huh, softball?" Leighton giggled.

"I literally ate you out like two hours ago, yes, I am very gay." Emerson rolled her eyes, looking down at her phone.

"Wait." Leighton touched her arm gently, making Emerson raise her eyes. "I will be the most supportive softball girlfriend that I can be." She smiled widely.

"Do you know the rules?" Emerson asked, setting her phone down.

"Sort of? You hit a ball with a bat really hard?" She shrugged. "I don't care if you win I just know you'll look sexy doing it."

Emerson rolled her eyes at the comment but decided to ignore it. She looked back down at her phone, scrolling through her text messages. She clicked on her dad's profile, seeing the link to the tickets to his concert. She closed it quickly, hoping to keep them a surprise for Leighton.

Leighton's phone buzzed aggressively in the blondes hand, the caller idea reading 'Maya<333'.

"Should I be worried a chick named Maya is calling you at one in the morning?" Emerson asked, looking up at the blondes face.

"Not at all, she's my brother's girlfriend, that's all."

Emerson couldn't stifle the gasp that left her lips at the realization.

"What?" Leighton raised an eyebrow.

"Sorry, your brother has a girlfriend? He could make a woman stay with his dumb ass?" Emerson molded the surprise and anxiety the realization caused for Kimberley into a look of faux bewilderment.

"Yup, believe me, I was surprised too. She's coming in for his party."

Emerson nodded without a word. She was currently battling in her mind over whether she should tell Kimberley or not. She'd been happy with Nico. She'd been less shy, less self-deprecating.

But she was also sleeping with a taken side.

"Fucking hell," Emerson whispered.

"Hm?" Leighton looked up.

"Nothing, just tired,"

That was a lie if I've ever heard one.

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