Drama #5: HIGH SCHOOL SCRUGGLES - How can I get so many injuries from a BUS?!

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Drama #5: HIGH SCHOOL STRUGGLES - How can I get so many injuries from a BUS?!

A/N: So this is like gonna be a new mini series within my drama book about all the Struggles of High School (overly-exaggerated of course! ;-) ). So if you see a chapter titled "Drama # *insert number here*: HIGH SCHOOL STRUGGLES - *insert title here*" it means it's gonna be part of this series.



And I'm gonna set a goal you you guys to complete before you can get the next chapter.

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Until you reach the goal, you won't get the next chapter!

Okay carry on now!

Hello again munchkins! And welcome to the first instalment of the miniseries, "HIGH SCHOOL STRUGGLES"!

And boy! Do I have a great drama for you today!

It's about. . .

The school bus!


To all whom catch a packed bus in the morning and afternoon to and from school, this one's for you!

Okay, I'm going to tell y'all a couple stories about my exciting adventures on the school bus.


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Okay so Story #1:

The bus I catch to school is pretty packed. Lately I've managed to get a seat but usually I have no chance!

So one day, I was making my way down to the bus stop. Once I got there, I chatted to a friend (annalise_val love ya!) until the bus arrived.

When we got on, the bus, as always, was packed to the rafters. It doesn't help that my stop is the second last stop, so the bus is usually full by the time we get on.

Anyways, my friend and I had to stand - or I did and she sat down, I can't remember.

I was standing in a very awkward spot. I was half standing on the stairs to reach the back of the bus and half standing on the lower platform of the bus, all while trying to not hit or fall on the people sitting on the seats next to me.

Obviously, as the bus turned, the people standing (I think 'standing' is the most used word of this story) swayed in motion with the bus, resulting in falls.

Yeah and unfortunately for me, I was the only one who fell this trip. I fell so many times on that bus ride that I got so embarrassed, because, mind you, all the arrogant boys (seniors and juniors) sit there. And I'm just an Ickle Firstie!

I also think I bruised something!

I bruised something!!

*shakes head in disbelief and flips hair like a stuck-up pageant queen*

And that bruise hurt me for the rest of the day.

So I would like to thank my bus for giving me that injury.

*slow claps*

I have had many other.... Um.... Stumbles... on the bus, but that is the main one that comes to mind.

As well as having incidents whilst on the bus, I have also had a couple funny moments.

Story #2

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