Chapter 8: Meeting The Enemy and the Nature Astral

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2 days passed and I was able to leave the hospital and return to the university. It was lunchtime and I was walking across the campus courtyard to get to the main library. Throughout the day, I kept thinking about the vision I had at the hospital. I couldn't tell if it was just a random occurrence or if it was a warning. I entered the library and began looking around for any books on visions, Japanese culture and characters, and anything related to my vision that I could find. I grabbed numerous books and I sat at a table in the back of the library's second floor, plopping the books beside me. I opened a book on Japanese figures from way back in ancient times. I looked through the pages and pages of ancient warlords, rulers, poets, etc. I got to page 20 when I paused. I looked at the page. The page along with the next 3 was covered in pictures of a man. The heading said his name was Kage Kuragari and he was dressed in a black kimono, a red hakama, white socks, and wooden sandals. He wore his long, raven hair in a high ponytail, and his black and narrow eyes pierced my soul. The brief summary next to him read, "Kage Kuragari was a cruel and monstrous warlord and mass murderer. Kuragari lost his parents to bandits when he was around 7 years old and began torturing animals as a means to get out frustration, or so the village community thought. 2 years after his parents died, a 5-year-old girl named Hikari Hanabira was found dead at the bottom of a hill. She appeared to have fallen and broken her neck. Kuragari was seen with her but Hanabira's death was ruled an accident. As Kuragari grew older, he studied things like politics, law, and war tactics. However, none of those things he put towards achieving world domination. Kuragari nearly eradicated the human population of the now-gone Irasshai region until he was 35 when a mysterious woman confronted him. It is said this woman had shiny golden hair and pearly red eyes glittering in the fire she caused with each step. Kuragari tried to fight back, but the fire woman pushed him back into the mountain now known as Mount Eeji. The mountain crumbled and crushed the vile Kage Kuragari."

I had many questions and concerns. Was the woman who killed Kuragari a fire Astral like me? Was Kuragari behind the bloody puddle, the decaying hand, and my vision? Was he back from the dead? If he was crushed by the rocks of Mount Eeji, which is somewhere in the woods by my house, could he be in the city? I took some notes and closed the book. I stared at my notebook, drowning in the feeling of curiosity and uneasiness. I didn't hear the footsteps coming in my direction so I got startled when I saw a woman sit across from me. I looked up quickly to see Professor Shaiwick. "Hello, Kira. Sorry to scare you. Are you getting references for another story?" she inquired, her voice and tone just as lively as ever.

Usually, if I read a book that isn't fiction, it is because I want to get references for a certain culture, place, and time for a story I was writing. "Oh, uh, no," I began to explain, "I'm just doing research."

Looking at me with a raised eyebrow, Professor Shaiwick questioned, "What research?"

I sighed. I didn't want to look crazy, but I had to explain somehow. "I had a vision. It was like it was trying to warn me," I told her.

Professor Shaiwick looked curious as she held her hands together, her fingers intertwining. "You don't say." She took a sip of her coffee before turning back to me. "How so?"

   I thought for a moment before saying, "I saw the city crumble and blood on the mountains, all over the woods, and in the water. I also saw two characters. Japanese characters. One was for death and the other I can't remember."

    Professor Shaiwick nodded. She looked at her watch and waved before walking away. I got up, grabbed my notebook, and put the books back. The rest of the day carried on without any problems. I went to the bathroom on my way out of the school and I felt dizzy. I stumbled a bit, holding onto the sink with both hands. My vision went blurry and colors brightened and extremely saturated. I felt like I was going to puke which was weird since just seconds before, I felt totally fine. I fell to my knees, feeling weaker than a snail that got touched by salt. I don't know whether I was hallucinating or if it was real when I heard it. "Your world is finished. When I catch you, your life will flash before your eyes. Get ready because I'm coming, and I'm stronger and better than I've ever been before!" a raspy yet bellowing voice rang out.

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