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"In the mean time, no posting on any of your socials." Jackson said walking back to the door.
"Leaving so soon?" Axel said rolling his eyes.

"I have a wife and kids so yeah." Jackson said shutting the door.

Xavier started laughing.
"Is he always this blunt?" Xavier asked.

"Yes." Axel said patting Xavier on his back and walking into the kitchen.
"Are we still getting pizza?" Axel asked opening the fridge.

"If you want." I responded.

"It's such a shame you had to go and run your mouth Life is what you make it but at least I've got real friends" I mumbled.
"Huh?" Awsten asked.
"SAM! IVE GOT IT!" I shouted excitedly.
"What?" She said practically jumping.

"A first verse. It's such a shame you had to go and run your mouth. Life is what you make it but at least I've got real friends" I repeated.

She smiled widely.
"Xavier can you write that down?" Sam asked the boy.
He nodded.
"Now we need the chorus." Sam said.
I dragged awstens hand and forced him to come sit by me and Sam.
"Xavier and Axel come sit down! Song writing time."

Axel moaned. "Ugh really?? We have an album
Coming out soon! Why do we need to read." He complained.

"Shut your whiny ass up and come help." Sam said snapping her fingers.
"Fine mom." He said sitting by her.
Xavier just laughed.

"So we need a verse." I said tapping my fingers against the thigh.

"How about We're screaming, "Why can't we just be friends?" Xavier suggested.

"I like that." Sam said.
"It's not that easy but it's half of the fun
To see you throw the first punch, now" Axel replied.

"Okay but we need something to go before we're screaming." Sam said.

" move a little bit closer, hear the sound of your voice" awsten told us.
" that works ." Sam said.
Xavier wrote it all down.
We finished it up.

"I think we should have a revenge era." I said.
"Like what?" Sam asked.
"Like Taylor swift, reputation. But make it metal and punk." I said.
""Only if the record label approves. We are already on thin ice." Axel complained.
"True." I sighed.

"Isn't too late to change the aesthetic of the album?" Sam asked.
"No you guys haven't dropped the color scheme or anything. You just announced it." Awsten told us.
Sam nodded.
"So is Andrew getting sued?" Xavier ask

"No he has to sign an NDA and put out a statement apologizing or else he will be sued." Sam responded.

"Your label should have pressed charges." Awsten complained.
"Not that easy. We aren't as big as waterparks is."
Axel told him slightly annoyed.

"I know. I was just saying." Awsten replied.
"Let's just get that pizza already." Sam mumbled.
She pulled out her phone and called a number.

"Awsten and Xavier do you like stuffed crust cheese pizza? It's what we usually eat."
Sam asked moving the phone away from her mouth.
"Yeah that's fine." Xavier said.

"Don't worry about me, im probably going to  leave soon so I can find a hotel to stay at." Awsten replied

"Why don't you just stay here?" I asked quickly followed with "you already bought the ticket to fly out here. Don't spend anymore money."

"I don't want to be a problem. Plus I don't wanna take up couch space." He replied to me.
"Who said you'd be sleeping on the couch? We have an extra room." I added.
"Yeah. Axel and Sam share a room. Xavier and I have our own room. Plus a guest bed room." I replied.

"Are you sure? I don't want to overstep-"
"Awsten it's fine." Axel said unpausing his show.
"I'll go get my bag then." Awsten said taking his keys out of his pocket.
"How'd your car get here?" Axel asked.
"It's a rental car." Awsten replied standing up.
"I'll go with you."

Slow updates from now and a bit later on
I got the fnaf movie tomorrow and a busy weekend!

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