★ 11 ★

134 6 3

Prepare yourself for this chapter bc it's big!!!

Axel and Otto started playing the drums on the stage.
The venue was outside. We play it tomorrow.
Otto hit one of the drums.

"Booo get off the stage bozo!" Awsten yelled.
I started laughing.
Axel and Otto just shook their heads.
"Like you could do better!"
"I can and I will." Awsten said standing up.
He ran up to the stage and took the microphone.

He started singing Lowkey as hell.
"I just cried into a shirt I could never afford last year."
He sang the words proving his point.
"Yk if you're just gonna look at him like that and never make a move you're gonna regret it." Sam said crouching next to me.

"Really, Sam." I mumbled.
"If you need me I'll be there some how. I'll pick you up we can ride." He sang staring at me.
He winked once he sang I'll pick you up.

"You dumb ass. He clearly likes you too." Sam said.
"I don't know. I don't want to be wrong."
"Also you and Axel are dating now?" I asked.
"Yeah we are. He asked me out last night." Sam replied.
"Awww that's so cute." I responded.
"Yeah now you need to get wifed up."
"See bozo that's how it's done!" Awsten shouted into the microphone.
Otto just laughed and shouted "you're so overdramatic."

"Here comes your man. I better go." She said standing up and patting my back.
Awsten sat back down next to me.
I rested my head on his shoulder.
"Otto was right you are so over dramatic." I laughed.
"But you love it."
"That you're right about."

I lifted my head up
"How are you liking tour?" He asked me facing me.
"It's fun. I love meeting fans." I replied.
"The band has been tense though. It's always some form of drama."

"You guys will figure it out."
"We always do."
"We love each other. We just fight sometimes." I replied.
"I understand. Me and Otto have had our ruin ins. But it always works itself out." Awsten replied.

"Thank you." I said looking him in his eyes.
"For what?" He asked.
"For everything, for always understanding me." I said.
"You're always welcome. The same goes back to you."
I just smiled at him and he smiled back.
Before he moved his face closer to mine.
He closed the space between us and kissed me.
I kissed him back instantly.
My stomach erupted in butterflies.

Geoff cheered as well.
Andrews expression was unreadable.
We instantly broke apart both a smiling mess.
"way to ruin the moment dumb ass." Axel said throwing an empty cup at Sam.
I just laughed.
Sam stood up angerly.
"OH SHIT!" Axel stood up and took off running.
An angry Sam running after him.

Awsten started laughing immediately.
"You see what I deal with?" I laughed.
"Could be worse."
"So are you gonna tell me what the big news is for New York tomorrow?" He asked.
"It's a new song dropping. It's called step on your face."
"Interesting title. That's what you were writing earlier?"
"Yep. I'm kinda proud of it. It's definitely more of a Sam song though. It's just her energy."
"She gives off Hayley Williams vibes." Awsten told me.
"No for real."

Sam walked back over to us dragging Axel along by red hair.
We all started laughing.
"Oh shut up." Axel complained.
"Oh you shut up. That's what you get." Sam said smacking his shoulder.
"You're lucky I love you." Axel replied.
"Awwww" Otto shouted.

"This is just gonna continue anytime someone does anything." I half asked.

"What's up party people!" Lilian asked walking over to all of us. She was holding chocolate covered strawberries and a camera.
"Lily!" I shouted standing up and running over to her.
I hugged her.
"Hi y/n!" She laughed hugging me back.
"Happy early birthday!" She smiled handing me the strawberries.
"I literally love you. I could marry you."
"I won't stop you." Lily laughed.

"Wait? When is your birthday y/n?" Awsten asked.
"Pfft you don't even know her birthday?" Andrew said giving him a hard time.
Geoff smacked his shoulder.
"Y/b(your birthday)"
"Oh shit that's in a two days." Awsten said.

"Yeahh. I don't plan on doing anything for it." I replied.
"Oh we are definitely doing something." Otto said.
"Thanks Otto, but we really don't. Plus we have a show that day." I replied holding the strawberries and a card she gave me.
"So? The show ain't all day." Geoff added.
"We will throw you a party or something. I already got your gift." Sam said.

"You guys are the best." I smiled.
"We know."


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Just got chased by an angry Sam. Note to self do not throw a red solo cup at Sam

Liked by:  lilianlie, underscoregeoff, jacksonsmith, y/n_thorns, Andrew_thorns, Sam

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Liked by: lilianlie, underscoregeoff, jacksonsmith, y/n_thorns, Andrew_thorns, Sam.x.scarlet, and 2,000 others

Sam.x.scarlet: he called me a dumb ass too
Axelisntreal; replying to @sam.x.scarlet; IM SORRY

Ilovethorns: don't disrespect mother like that
Notanindustrykid: sir really

Axelishot: emo
Axelisntreal: no shit

Gloomgirl: what's up with y/n and Sam's post? Did y/n and awsten kiss?
Kwsten_anight: my thoughts exactly

Y/n (@y/n_thorns)
He said he could do better and proved it

Tagged: @awsten

Liked by: awstenknight, underscoregeoff, jacksonsmith, axelisntreal, lilianlie, Andrew_thorns, Sam

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Liked by: awstenknight, underscoregeoff, jacksonsmith, axelisntreal, lilianlie, Andrew_thorns, Sam.x.scarlet, Zachalltimelow and 3,000 others

Awsten: HEY
Y/n_thorns: what
Awsten: when did you take that
Y/n_thorns: n/a

Thornsstan: awww that's such a good photo.
Y/n_thorns: real

Y/n_thorns: stfu

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