Chapter 12

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Jade's POV

The class was boring, and the break after that was worse.

The news that I had nearly hit Ava with a basketball spread, and the story was way off the actual truth.

Apparently, I had pegged the ball right at her because I was jealous of her popularity, and her relationship with my brother (which is extremely fucked up), and she had never done anything to me.

As I made my way down the hallway, I could see the stares and side-eyes everyone was giving me, as they whispered to each other.

People were giving me dirty looks, and when I walked through the crowd, they cleared to give me a straight, free path. 

Not in a good way though. It was like they didn't want to get close to me.

I didn't want to start another fight with everyone, so I kept my head down, and walked on.

Today, was really a terrible day, especially on the first day of school, where I was supposed to make a good impression.

Anyways, I found Sadie and Calais, sitting with Mitchell and another guy I didn't know.

"Hey Jade!" Sadie said, hugging me tightly.

"Jade, you know Sadie and Calais?" Mitchell asked.

"Yeah, I've known Calais for a while and I met Sadie yesterday."

"Anyways," Sadie cut in, "Jade, this is Blake. Blake, Jade."

I smiled, warmly.

"I'm sorry about the Ava thing," Calais said sympathetically.

"Don't worry about it," I smiled. But actually, I was mentally breaking inside.

Ava was such a bitch, and was really making me contemplate on pulling a bitch move back to her.

We used to to best friends, and now she fucking hates me!

What did I even do to her? Well, other then tell her off for being a bitch, but like she can't go around saying those things. 

"Jade, first you piss off Joey, and then Ava! What is wrong with you?" Mitchell chuckled.

"Huh? Joey as well?" The girls exclaimed.

"Not Joey," Calais shook her head, "He's one of the kings."

"What the fuck are the kings? That's actually so stupid."

"Ooo let me explain!" Sadie butted in, "So, the kings the kings of the school. They come in two groups. First are the jocks, Jason, Ali, Joey and Quin, Levi's brother. Then is the badboys, Levi, Colton and Dante, who I already explained last time. They used to be this whole big friends group, but that didn't last, and they split up. I don't know why though." 

"Well, really big friend groups never last anyways," Blake chuckled bitterly.

I raised an eyebrow.

Why was Blake so bitter about it?

Luckily, Calais answered my question.

"He was forced to choose between Joey or Mitchell," she whispered.

I side eyed Joey from my table.

I was really starting to dislike him.

Is that what the Kings are like?

Well, guess what? I don't care if he's a king or not, but from now on, he is on the same page as Ava.

Suddenly, Calais tapped me frantically from under the table.

"Jason's coming over!" she hissed.

I sighed, exasperated.

Could he seriously not find a girl to talk to who actually likes him?

But honestly, with his looks, I bet he could do that easily, so what did he want from me?

Heads turned to him when he walked past people's tables, some girls literally drooling.

Honestly, they need to get a check in with reality.

In reality, they will fall hard for those guys, and end up getting their hearts broken once they realise that the guys don't give a shit about them.

Or, they do end up dating, and still get dumped or cheated on.

It really sucks. Trust me, they do not want that. I've learnt from experience.

"Hey, little J, you got a dick of a brother there," Jason plopping down beside me.

"Yeah, tell me about," I stopped mid-sentence, processing what he just said. 

I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Little J? That is not going to be my nickname."

"We'll see about that," he smirked.

"What do you want, Jason?" Blake asked, "Jade is not going to be your next hookup."

"Nah, I already got one waiting for me at my table."

Jason pointed to a blonde cheerleader, her face scrunched up in disgust at the sight of him at the table. However, she quickly covered it up when he looked over at her, plastering a fake smile and waving frantically.

"Why are you here then?" Mitchell asked, rolling his eyes at the girl.

"To say hi to my favourite neighbour!" Jason exclaimed, putting his arm around me.

I shrugged it off.

"You were a dick this morning. We're not friends," I scowled.

"Sure, sure," he shrugged, walking back.

"WHAT-THE-FUCK JASON BLYTHE IS YOUR NEIGHBOUR?" Sadie screeched when he left.

"Yeah, don't even get started Sadie."


I rolled my eyes.

"Speaking of people coming over," Calais said, nudging her head to the left, where Ava and Peyton were making their way over.

"Jadyn Artemis Jones, I really never thought I would see you again. Why have you come back? Seriously, because I'm warning you, if it's to take over my position as the queen of the school, you're going to experience a lot of hell, Jones."

"Seriously, Ava? You know I couldn't care less about that," I laughed, "You know how insecure you sound right now?"

Her face faltered a bit.

"Don't worry, I have no intention of doing that, and I doubt I would even be good at it. Besides those type of people always make a bunch of enemies, from being a bitch." My voice turned cold.

They were silent for a moment.

Then Peyton spoke up.

"Well, you're just...dumb."

Sadie snorted.

"I'm warning you Jade. You better watch your back. I may make a few enemies of mine, but I can make the whole school hate you," Ava warned.

"If that's what helps you sleep at night Ava. Now, could you please excuse me. I'm trying to eat."

She stalked off.

My friends were congratulating me on standing up to Ava, and I smiled on return.

However, on the inside, I was as scared as fuck.

I don't know Ava anymore. I don't know how far she will go to destroy my life.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2023 ⏰

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