Chapter 7

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Ashtyn's POV:

I woke up drenched, and shivered head to toe.

"What the fuck!"

"Wakey wakey eggs and bacey!" Jade yelled in my ear. "We have school today, remember?"

I yawned and slumped out of my bed. I pulled open my blinds to be blinded by the sun.

I put on dark blue jeans, V neck shirt, and a black hoodie on top. I quickly brushed my teeth and gelled my hair, taking my time putting every curl in it's place, making it look slightly messy, but not like a hobo.

Jade is always going on about how it takes ten bottles of hairspray every day to do my hair, and that I was the reason the ozone layer was thinning. In our ninth grade camp, I even had a whole entire suitcase full of hairspray, but in my defence, it wasn't even I big suitcase and was a one and a half week camp. I only took four bottles, and one of them were nearly out.

So if your wondering about our fight yesterday, here's the thing. Whenever we have a fight, no matter how big it is, we always forget about it the next day. It's just this thing that we've had ever since we were little.

Anyways, Jade made pancakes for breakfast, which was really good. It was thin and crispy, just how I liked it. Then I went to pack my bag.

I had one book to take my notes in. It was the first book I saw, with Superman as the cover. Inside, I had scribbles from when I was little, so I ripped them out. I chucked in a few pens and deodorant. 

As I packed a vape at the bottom of my bag, the fight yesterday replayed in my ears. 

I was about to zip up my bag, but her words still rang it my head. 

My head was telling me to keep it there, but my heart was telling me to take it out. Slowly, I reached my hand inside to take it out. Then, I heard Jade yell from downstairs, telling me that she was going to skate there, and that I better hurry up or I would be late.

Jade and I never go to school together; she always insists on going without me.

I hurried out with my bag and keys into the car, the vape still sitting under my book and pen.


As I drove to school, I couldn't help but feel the anticipation building up. The car ride felt like an eternity, but finally, I arrived. 

I got out of the car and slung my backpack slung over one shoulder. I noticed students milling about, some anxiously clutching their backpacks, others chatting excitedly with friends. 

As I walked inside, I noticed heads turning and whispers in the hallways. It wasn't surprising; it was the same in Kansas. I usually loved the attention, and today was no different. Whispers rippled through the crowd, and I couldn't resist a smirk forming across my face. I strolled down confidently, catching the eye of a few girls, and the subtle sway of their heads in my direction it.

Suddenly, I felt a girl stumble into me. A strong wave of her perfume -a sickly scent- washed over me and I crinkled my nose in disgust. 

"Hey, are you new here? I've never seen you around?" She said, looking under her eyelashes. 

I studied her face. She was really pretty, and my eyes lingered a bit long on her ass. She had big blue eyes and long blonde hair. Hang on...I think I've seen her before.

Suddenly, my eyes open in realisation. "Ava?"

"Huh? How do you know me?"

"It's me, Ashtyn. Ashtyn Jones? Jade's brother?"

"Ashtyn? Omg! I missed you guys," she gushed, "I ran into Jade at the mall next to the skate park. They have a mall there now. Anyways, Jade and I hit off like besties straight away again! You know, we should go hang out. Just me and you at my house." She winked.

"Seriously, if you're Jade's friend, then fuck no. We have a deal about no fucking friends. If you were really Jade's friends then you would know that." 

Honestly, I never really liked Ava that much. She was always so annoying, and I had hoped she changed so she could live up to the niceness that Jade used to say she was. However, I think her personality only got worse.

"Well, guess what? I'm not actually Jade's friend. You still up for my house after school?"

I rolled my eyes and pushed her off me. 

"Do you know where the reception is?" I asked a girl that ran up to Ava.

She looked like an even more faker version of Ava, but I didn't want to talk to Ava, so I asked her.

"What me?" She giggled, "It's just around that corner. I can walk-"

"Ahem," Ava coughed, to grab her attention. She gave her a piercing glare.

"Ummm...I mean, Ava can walk you. She's really pretty and she would be such a great buddy. You should ask to swap your buddy with Ava. I'm assuming you're new, right? So, you would have a buddy. Trust me, Ava knows the whole school like the back of her hand."

"Even the best making out spaces," Ava added.

"Yeah ok girls. I got it thanks." 

I walked off. However, they ran to catch up, and I scowled. They were annoying the fuck out of me. Sure, I like those types of girls as occasional hookups, but not on the first day of school. I still had to get everything else sorted.

"Do you realise that I meant for you to get lost?" I snapped.

"Are you sure you don't want us to take you there? The school's a big place you know," 

"No, I don't." I quickly walked away.


I walked into the reception room and approached the lady there.

"Excuse me, I'm new and my name is Ashtyn Jones in grade 10."

"Ashtyn Jones..." she looked up from her paperwork, "Oh, I saw your sister before as well. Well anyways, here is your timetable, and your buddy is called Levi, but he didn't show up."

"That's okay, I'll be fine on my own."

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