Baby's First Flu - Melissa Schemmenti/Female Reader

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Summary: Luca catches his first flu in daycare and Melissa can't help but worry about leaving her son and wife at home.
Classification: Domestic fluff
Warnings: Sick baby, flu symptoms, breastfeeding
Word count: +3100


The first sign was the most alarming for Melissa, she had prepared carrot and potato soup, the boy's favorite, wanting to prevent any cold, flu or viruses he might catch at daycare. She knows how it works at this time of the year, the bunch of small children with colds and stuffy noses contaminating their classmates like a vicious cycle. As a teacher she has seen this happen a hundred times, it always starts with one and this one usually doesn't miss class, she doesn't blame the parents for sending them, sometimes it's impossible to leave the children at home because of work. And she knew immediately what she would face when the 10-month-old turned his face snuggling into the upholstery of the feeding seat, slyly. But she couldn't believe that right in the first week back to classes. After much insistence Luca ate a few spoonfuls, preferring the tasty broth to solid food and this was the second sign, sore throat. The third, irritability, manifested itself when the baby tried to bite the redhead when she brought the spoon close to his mouth in a failed attempt to get him to eat some more.

"Tomorrow we have to take LuLu to the doctor, I'm pretty sure he has the beginnings of a flu." she comments to her wife as she enters the kitchen, already dressed for the night in pajamas.

"But how is that possible? It's only been a week since he's been in daycare." Y/N questions confused, trying to remember if she had seen any signs of sickness in the other children "The Murphy's son had a runny nose, I don't know how I didn't notice that before."

"And you couldn't do anything about it, you just started teaching again and we can't predict everything that can happen. Never underestimate the power of a child flu." she reassures the younger and stands up, taking the baby on the lap with some difficulty "God, we have to stop giving this little boy so much mashed potatoes and spaghetti."

"I told you, the pediatrician said he's almost 6 pounds over average."

"He's about the right average... for a Schemmenti." they both smile and the baby babbles between them, his voice coming out hoarse, then he makes a pout threatening to cry "LuLu, it's okay to be a little chubby." she laughs as the baby stares at her confused and brings his little hands up to mouth, sucking.

"What do you think about giving him a bath and checking his fever?" Y/N proposes approaching them, suggestively extending her arms.

"No no no, Mrs. Schemmenti! You won't get rid of cleaning the kitchen, this is our agreement, the one who cooks doesn't clean." she walks past her wife and back two steps as she is about to leave the kitchen, depositing a quick kiss on her lips "Don't forget the blender."

One of the privileges of motherhood with Luca is that the boy loves baths, maybe one of the things he loves most, after eating and playing with his mommies. He loves when his full and coppery hair is massaged when washed, the warm water enveloping him while little hands play with the toys, and the only time he complains is when he has to get out of tub. Fighting against the towel and being dried off to put on pajamas. The bath was similarly quiet, but unlike the others he didn't fight his way out, almost falling asleep in the process. Melissa dressed him in yellow Lion King pajamas. She is brushing her son's hair when Y/N arrives on the second floor after leaving the kitchen shining so clean, admiring them in the nursery doorway, just watching the cute scene with sparkles in eyes as they have a tender moment.

"Just an initial fever." Mel says without even looking back, sensing her wife's presence "We'll have to keep an eye on him during the night in case the fever rises."

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