Crying Over Broken Pasta - Melissa Schemmenti/Female Reader

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Summary: A romantic evening cooking together. Melissa overloaded. Y/N commits the crime of breaking the pasta and things go wrong after that. A fight brings out insecurities.
Classification: Light angst, Fluff
Warnings: Some harsh words, Swearing
Note: Idk, Melissa might seem a little exaggerated in this situation and out of character? But I would be super pissed off if someone broke the pasta, just saying
Word count: +2600


There would be no better date for Melissa than cooking with her partner, the kitchen being a very intimate and important place for her, where she grew up, watched her parents fall in love again and again, made her first lasagna with nonna, had her first wine drunk with Kristen Marie, where she used cooking to take out her daily frustrations. Nothing better than a Pomodoro Penne after an exhausting and stressful day, to forget it all by enjoying the family recipe. But she never considered it a place of romance until Y/N, Joe, although he loved Schemmenti food, never shared this space with the redhead, much less in a romantic way. He ate, he complimented, sometimes he washed the dishes, and that was it. The arrival of this new person in her life also brought her a new vision for the sanctuary, she simply loves to see the girlfriend sitting on the countertops having breakfast, preparing the teacher's tea wearing only short pajamas, almost melting completely when she offers help, either to cut some ingredient or stir the pot. It's just adorable, very special, especially since there are dozens of kisses and hugs exchanged as they prepare breakfast/dinner. This is why, staging a romantic setting, Melissa has prepared the kitchen for the site of a monthly date with her girlfriend. There are fresh tomatoes scattered on the cutting board, bowls full of freshly cut ingredients, the kettle of water boiling behind the couple, while the teacher stands next to her girlfriend, one hand firmly on her waist as the other instructs Y/N how to cut the tomatoes in a correct way.

"Great, amore mio." she celebrates seeing the little cubes, all the effort was worth it and this would be perfect on spaghetti, she decided to teach the simpler Schemmenti recipes first, hoping it would become a routine couple program "You are a good student." and left a gentle kiss on the other woman's lips, taking a long time to purposely leave her lips.

"Thanks, Mel." Y/N laughed, feeling happy and heartwarmed to have such a captivating and patient girlfriend, the task had taken more than five minutes and at no point did she get upset, not showing any irritation "What should I do now?"

"The water's already boiled, you can put the pasta in the pot." the redhead smiles and moves away, making room on the counter to prepare the rest of the ingredients for the sauce. "Meanwhile I'll finish chopping the onion. I should have prepared the pasta, but you know, this week has been really crazy. So we'll have to make do with the store-bought stuff, the fresh ingredients will save our recipe." she shrugs, taking a sip from the glass of wine she had left there, trying to pretend not to be upset, but feeling guilty deep down for not being able to give her girlfriend the full experience.

"It's okay, love. Seriously, just the thought of tasting your family's sauce makes my mouth water." Y/N tries to reassure her and walks by Melissa, giving her a half-hug along with a kiss on the cheek "Let's have spaghetti tonight! Made by us!"

"Made by us!" this cheered her up again, after all, this dinner has been scheduled just to spend some time together in the kitchen and that's what matters "Amore mio, do you want to wi...?" Melissa turns to ask if she doesn't want more wine and can't finish the word, disbelieving in what her eyes see, the pasta is broken in two in Y/N's hands, that anguishing sound unmistakable for any Italian "What the hell are you doing?"

"Putting the pasta in the pot." she answers simply, not realizing what has just happened, and puts the pasta in the boiling water "Now I stir?"

"Yes, you stir." the redhead controls herself not to sound rude, suddenly very upset and offended by what she has just witnessed. SHE BROKE THE PASTA! And Melissa can't handle it. "It was supposed to stir anyway." she whispers turning her back, low enough not to be heard, trying to control her own personality in order not to make Y/N upset and sad for cooking the pasta absurdly wrong. But not being able to express herself made her even angrier.

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