Commissioned and Ground Breaking

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"My Prince, the Hokage has requested you and your fiancé at the Council Chambers." an ANBU relayed his message.

They both looked up nodded ok and shunshined. A skill that was taught to them by Yugao. She had been inducted into the ANBU. At the Council Chambers, they open the doors to see the room is full. Clan Heads, Heirs with their Promised, Team 9 (Neji, with his now wife Tenten, and Lee) who were a year older, the Jonins, Elders, and the Civilian Side, plus the Hokages 3rd and 5th.

"Welcome Prince Naruto and Princess Hana." Tsunade opened.

"Today is a special day for Konohagakure. Today we get to induct into our Village's service, for the first time a Duel Master. We have received your Academy file, Seals chart and final grade of the Medic Poisons' Test. You scored a perfect score on the medical test. A feat that hasn't been done since I was a student. Lord Jiraiya has tested, logged and verified all requirements for your ascension to Seal Master. Director Ibiki with his assistant Special Jonin Anko has offered and sign off on your apprenticeship in the I&T Department. You have completed the Commissioning packet, and it has been signed off by your Senseis: Iruka, Jiraiya, Shizune, Anko and now by myself the Godiame Hokage and the Council Elders. Now, before we continue, are there any who oppose this Commissioning?" The room stayed quiet as no one objected.

"With silence as my answer, Prince Naruto Uzumaki Namakaze you are here by declared a graduate of the Military Academy of Konokagukure. You have ranked 1st among your peers as the Recruit of the Year and due to Mastering two of the three most needed professions, Fuinjutsu and Herbal Poisons with Medicine being the third. I grant you the commission of Warrant Officer level 2 under the Medical Corp Bannor."

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I proudly present to you, WO2 Namakaze!" Tsunade yells and the room explodes in cheers.

Hana was bouncing with pride and joy and hugged and kissed her newly commissioned man.

"Director Ibiki, when does your new charge report." Tsunade asked.

"He has till a week from Monday at 8am in my office for orientation. Hokage-sama" Ibiki states with pride.

Knowing his I&T department had won out big time over the R&D department, and now Shibi owes him 1000 Ryu. That know-it all Aburame will be fuming for a while.

Tsunade gives Naruto and Hana his Academy Diploma, Commission Certificate, Officer's Handbook, Orders and a script for his uniforms.

After the reception, "I have released your inheritance. Lady Tsume has the documents and financial records for you. You can get started on your Clan Compound being rebuilt. Now, go get your khakis and they better be pressed and sharp you have our family's reputation to think about." She hugged him and let them go. They run out the door with all their friends and head to Tenten's family store.

"Wow, to think you became a Duel Master and earned a Commision! That's a hell of a pay scale jump from doing D-rank missions." Negji remarked.

"You do realize. That as a WO2, with its ration's and quarter's allowances, and throw in the hazard pay from working with poisons, he will bring home close to 75,000 Ryu a year, Shikamaru states.

"Oh, that's not all, my Prince sold a poison formula he designed to the Village for 300 million. Plus, he was hired by the Council as the Village's Fuinjutsu Journeyman. He gets an A rank pay as a now WO2 for every set of 200 Seals or Tags the village armory and medical store's needs. He has the makers rights to those senbon trap tags everyone is buying for their travels and missions. He is wealthy now buy his own hands!" Hana started bragging proud of her man. Everyone went wide eyed at that bit of news.

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