Chapter 13

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Alex' POV

After a good summer break we make our way back to off season training. Call ups are happening soon and I qualify for two teams. England and Canada. I know that I would rather join the Lionesses but I would still love to play for the Canadians. 

It is the weekend before off season training and me, Beth and Viv are sitting around the dining table waiting for our phones to go off. Viv for Netherlands and Beth for England. Viv's phone goes off making her quickly pick it up. She speaks Dutch before hanging up and hugging us. 

"I did it. I got the call up." Viv squeals. But celebration was cut short when Beth's phone went off. She composed herself before answering the phone. Speaking to Serina for a while she hangs up and we continue celebrating.

My phone goes off next, I answer it expecting to hear Serina's voice but instead I hear Bev Priestmans. 

"Hello is this Alex Styleson?" I hear her ask. 

"Yes this is her." I reply. 

"This is Beverly Priestman, Head coach of the Canada women's team and we watched all your games and are intrigued by how you play and wondering if you would want to sign with us. I was informed that England could also call you so if you would like you can email us back with your confirmation." She informs me. 

"Yes thank you for the opportunity and thank you for understanding that some else might want me. I'll inform you within the hour whether to confirm or decline that offer." I reply.

"I completely understand. England is a hard to team to go up against." She says trying to lighten the mood. 

I chuckle before saying "Yeah they are Thank you yet again." Then I hang up.

Beth and Viv both look at me with waiting for an answer. I say "That was Bev Priestman calling for Canada national team. Since my mothers mother was Canadian I qualify for their team. She understands that England could also call me up so I should email her within the hour confirming or declining her offer." 

"Okay good to know." Beth says not really knowing what else to say. 

I wait for another half an hour for the phone to go off when a knock sounds at the door. Viv goes to answer the door and its Leah jumping up and down screaming that she got called up. And as captain nonetheless. 

I'm happy for her when I realise that means that I won't get called up since her last name is after mine. Leah looks at me before realising that I didn't get the call up. She runs up to me hugging me making me sob a bit. 

"Am I not good enough?" I ask her in a whisper. 

"You are more then good enough to be playing for us. I don't know why Serina didn't call you up." She says genuinely confused. 

I pull away from the hug calling Bev again and putting it on speaker making Leah quiet. She answers by the second ring. 

"Hey Alex I see you have made your decision?" She asks me. 

"Yeah I would like to play for Canada." I confirm.

"Well thank you so much for joining us. I know that you won't regret it. I will send you the flight and hotel details for your stay. Thank you yet again." She says happy that I want to join her team. 

"Thank you so much." I reply before hanging up. "Well at least I will play for someone just not with you guys." I said a bit solemnly.

Leah hugs me and says "I am absolutely terrified to play against you." We both chuckle before sitting down on the sofa putting on Harry Potter. 

"I am still so unbelievably proud of you Kiddo." She whispers. 

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