Chapter 3

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After that whole 'session' with her Dad she got an email from Jonas about the timings and contract with Arsenal. It all made sense to her but she was wondering how the hell she would tell her Dad. 

What if she didn't tell her Dad and just ran away? Doubt he would notice the lack of one daughter on the amount of alcohol and drugs he was one. But he would miss his punching bag. 

Since the Emirates Stadium was only a half an hour drive she would pack all her things in Sophia's car and drive on the motorbike so she didn't have to come back for it. They had to leave tomorrow morning at 8:30 to get there around 9. But knowing Alex's Dad he would probably be awake by that time so they would pack the car late at night and drive off in the morning.

The moon up Sophia texted Alex that she was here. Alex crept down the stairs making sure that her Dad was asleep before starting to pack the car with the most important things being clothes and music related objects. 

After 3 hours of packing and conversation they finished at the time of 3:37 in the morning. "Lets remember to get a red bull in the morning. We look over 18 right?" Alex commented on their tiredness.

"Correction you look over 18, I look like your midget little sister." Sophia joked. 

"Right I will buy it then." Alex said then paused. "I don't know how I will survive without you. I mean who am I gonna tell about my new song ideas or my multiple gay awakenings." Alex continued. 

" You will be surrounded by many gay women, you tell them that. Also I'm just a call or text away I will still be there just... without being there." Sophia said back. "Now go get some sleep will you?" Sophia stated. 

"Ill try. See you in the morning." Alex said while walking through the front door.

"See you in the morning." Sophia replied.


Alex woke up to her alarm surprisingly and started getting ready. She was a tomboy so dresses, skirts and crop tops weren't her jazz. She put on black trousers with a white collared shirt below a black sweater with the finishing touches of her chain and cologne. Looking in the mirror she prepared herself that she was signing her first professional contract with the team she supported. 

Alex slowly snuck out the window and made her way to the Maddens house to get her bike. Greeting Sophia she hops on and starts making her way to Emirates with Sophia trailing behind. Alex got a notification on her phone seeing it was a photo from Sophia. On the photo was the screen of her car with Spotify playing. The song playing was her song Sign of the Times. Underneath was the caption 'Like my music taste?'

Alex chuckled under her helmet and showed the middle finger behind her knowing it was Sophia's car. 30 seconds later she got a text saying "How Rude!"

After a bit of banter between the two friends they finally arrived at the stadium. Alex got off her bike putting the helmet in Sophia's car and made their way to the entrance. Alex approached the front desk and said "Hi I'm Alex Styleson here for the contract signing." The receptionist smiled sweetly and said "Follow me to the meeting room." The trio went up a few pairs of stairs before entering a fully glass meeting room. 

Jonas sat there with an excited smile on his face. "Wonderful to finally meet you. I heard many good things from Leah, Beth and Viv." Jonas reassured her. She knew that Jonas will be a good coach as he always put his footballers mental health first. 

"I've heard many good things about you too. Thanks for taking a chance in me." Alex replied not seeming as nervous as before. 

"Of course your talent shouldn't be wasted." Jonas complimented. Then they started talking about the contract and the team. "Since your'e underage we can't put you in an individual apartment so you will be sharing a house with Beth and Viv. Is that okay?" Jonas asked. 

Alex knew that Beth and Viv were nice people but she liked to be on her own a lot of the time. But she agreed nonetheless. 

"Great so we will get you the kit and they will start training in 20 minutes so you can join them." Jonas stated. All Alex did was nod. Sadly Sophia couldn't be with her during training so Sophia went back to the car and went to explore.

After Alex got changed in her kit she felt her nerves picking up thinking about her first impressions with these superstars. She closed her eyes and breathed in deeply counting down from 100 in 3s. A little tricks she learned from Sophia. After calming down she entered the room where Jonas was already there waiting to introduce her. 

She felt all eyes on her. "Girls please welcome our new edition to the team and the youngest one yet that is. Alex Styleson she plays up forward and is 17 years old so be nice." Jonas announced to the team before leaving the changing room. 

The first person to come up was Leah. "You look like you're shitting bricks. Don't worry, you deserve to be here." She said before hugging Alex. Alex winced a bit but not enough for her to notice. All the girls did notice the height difference between the two so Katie spoke up about it. 

"Holy Shit the Kid is a giant." Katie shouted earning noises of agreement making Alex look down and blush from all the attention. 

Beth was the next to speak up "Don't put the attention all on kid, it's her first day." Alex instantly felt relaxed that someone took the attention off her. They slowly made their way out to the pitches. 

Viv came up to Alex while walking. "Don't stress Kid. Jonas doesn't just sign anyone. You've got some real talent in there." Viv complemented while Alex smiled. 

"I'm guessing that's gonna be my new nickname huh?" Alex questioned. 

Viv just chuckled then said "I guess so Kid."  

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