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  Lan Yan looked at the five taels of silver in the treasure chest and suddenly didn't know what words to use to comfort him. He had never seen a player with such black hands.

  "What happened?" Da Fei, who was following behind, came over, opened the box and saw five taels of silver inside. His laughter suddenly broke through the sky, "Hahahahahaha! Why did five taels of silver come out? Two taels of silver, the last leader offered five coins, this one offers five taels of silver, boss, your luck has improved, hahaha!"

  Da Fei, who was smiling happily, suddenly felt a chill on his back. The conditioned reflex he had trained over the years made him quickly shut up, turned around and hid behind the great monk, pretending to be transparent.

  Lan Yan saw that Zhaohun was still expressionless, but he always felt that the sword cultivator was not in a good mood now. After thinking about it, he coughed dryly and said seriously: "What five copper coins? You don't know those five copper coins?" the value of."

 "Can five copper coins still be valuable?" No matter how stupid Da Fei was, he knew that five copper coins couldn't even buy the cheapest blood-restoring elixir.

  Lan Yan shook his head with an incomprehensible look on his face, and made a tut-tsk sound from his mouth. From the corner of his eye, he saw the sword cultivator looking at him, and then he said: "Why did five copper coins fall instead of four or six? Then Of course, it's because this number is important." As Lan Yan said this, he took out the treasure box dropped by defeating Guo Zhi from the warehouse, took out the five copper plates inside and arranged them in order in the palm of his hand.

  "In ancient times, there was a Taoist magic weapon called the Five Emperors' Money," Lan Yan said while pointing to the copper plates in his hands. "Look at these copper plates. They are round on the outside and square on the inside. In Taoist philosophy, they represent the harmony between heaven and man. one."

  Lan Yan spoke categorically, as if he was sure that what he said was the truth. Several interstellar people in front of him were confused and asked with considerable satisfaction: "Do you know what Taoism is?"

  "The system of cultivating immortals in "Spiritual Realm" is based on some concepts of ancient Taoism. Skills such as refining alchemy, drawing talismans, and arranging formations are closely related to Taoism," Jiang Feng recalled some game-related information he had seen before, and then added after a pause. He said, "Wenxin Temple belongs to another sect, Buddhism."

  "The soul-calling is right. The relevant concepts of Taoism are the core system in "Spiritual Realm"," Lan Yan nodded seriously, took out a piece of brocade thread and knitted a cross knot at a variable speed, and then strung the five copper plates in his hand. On top, hang another tassel, "Five Emperors' Money is an important magical tool in Taoism and has the function of warding off evil spirits and attracting good fortune."

  Under the watchful eyes of four people, one tiger and one cat, Lan Yan tied the five emperors' money pendant on the head of the sword that was split open, flicked the sword tassel and said: "In layman's terms, this prop can restrain some of the evil tricks of the Nine Yin Sect. It can also improve fortune and bring good luck."

  "I'll go! Are these five copper coins so awesome?!" Da Fei was shocked. He never expected that their boss could actually produce such a powerful item.

  Lan Yan breathed a long sigh of relief when he saw that Da Fei and the other three believed deeply in his words and even looked thoughtful when summoning souls.

  Being a big liar is indeed not an easy task. Fortunately, he had listened to the copywriters in the project team to make up stories. Otherwise, how could he have fooled four interstellar people so easily today.

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