Chapter 2

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I heard my alarm go off. I groaned and half asleep, pushed the silence button before plopping back down on my bed. I was about to fall back asleep before...

"MIZUKI AKIYAMA! GET YOUR ASS UP AND GET READY!" My mom screamed. I didn't want to get up. Well, I didn't want to go to school. You know, cuz of bullying and stuff....

"Moooommmmmm...I don't wanna go to school," I groaned from my pillow.

"I know that, honey. Just get up and go, today's Friday."


"Thank you," she then left the room and went downstairs. I groaned again before quite literally rolling out of bed. I hit the ground with a thud. I rubbed the neck and stood up. I went to my dresser to get my school uniform. Once I finished changing I went downstairs. I put some toast in the toaster and went to do my makeup while I waited. I sighed.

Hi, my names Mizuki Akiyama. I'm trans (Male to Female). People use my identity to bully me a lot. I've gotten used to it but, damn it hurts. I have a best friend- no 3- no 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6...many best friends. But my closet friend is Ena Shinonome. She never bullies me for who I am either. She may seem rude at first but she's really nice once ya know her. She's in my year and she has a younger brother name Akito. I'm pretty sure Akito is dating someone, Toya Aoyagi I think. Their both lil' bros to me though. I think I have a crush on someone too. I get butterflies in my stomach when I'm around her. She's pretty, smart, adorable. More adorable than cats! That's a hard thing to beat! Huh? Who is it? I'm not telling! Find out yourself >:p

Sorry that these are so short but these are intro chapters :(. I promise they'll get longer soon 🥲

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