Chapter 1

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I don't know Mizuki's favorite flower...sorry 😅

Line for you to comment whatever you want before the story starts

Worry runs through Ena's body. What if they don't like me!? What if something happens? What if they'll hate me if I confess!? Ena wanted to know the answer to all these strange questions. Well, not exactly strange, a lot of people feel this way when they get a crush. The feeling of rejection is one of the worst feelings ever and Ena doesn't want to feel it. Ena started coughing.

"God! Why am I so dehydrated!?" She whispered yells under her breath. She looked down at the floor to see a beautiful rose petal lying on her floor. She sits down on her bedroom floor and picks up the petal.

"When the hell did this get here? Maybe it got stuck to my hair or something...but wouldn't I have noticed it?" She wonders. "Maybe this was Mizuki's doing..." Mizuki loves roses after all.

Ena isn't exactly know? This is technically they're fault??? Anyway, thanks for reading ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Coughing up petals | Mizuena (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now