MY kid

431 8 9

Warnings: swearing

Takes place after the events of whistling Susie (season 5 episode 2)


Nobody in the building was expecting to see a pissed off captain man and a confused/concerned kid danger walking through towards the vice mayors office

But they saw it anyway

"Captain man?" Kid danger called "what are we doing here?"

Captain man simply ignored him and continued walking

"Cap?" He tried again

When he got no response, he gave up and just followed as Captain man barged through the vice mayors doors

"Captain man?" The vice mayor asked "i didn't call you, what are you guys doing here?"

"Why would you even consider sending a world war two atomic weapon to the man cave?!" The captain didn't answer the question "not only does that keep the citizens of swellview at risk, it put kid danger and anyone else in the man cave at a very high risk of death!"

"Woah, woah, calm down" Willard tried "I figured it'd safer in your hands rather than anyone else's"

"It ended up almost going off anyway!" The captain argued "why not send it to the military or the fucking government or somewhere in protected custody?!"

"Cap.. Calm down" Kid danger cut in

"No!" Captain man yelled "you and everyone else in the man cave could've died if I didn't eat the bomb!"

"Well we're all fine" kid danger reminded "it's not worth yelling at the vice mayor over"

"Maybe you should've been more responsible-"

"No, this is where you zip it!" Captain man interrupted "if you ever put my kid in danger again, there will be no talking cause I'll start swinging and proudly give to jail"

"Cap!" Henry scolded "you can't just... Wait... Did you just call my 'your kid'?"

The captain didn't even realize kid danger was talking at the moment, he just continued to yell at the vice mayor

"Did you ever stop to think what would've happened if the bomb had gone off while being taken to the man cave?" He asked "it would've taken out he entire city!"

"I understand that-"

"Clearly you don't!" The captain cut him off again "send another bomb like that to the man cave where me and my kid are trying to work or relax, I'll shove it right up your ass and see how you like having a bomb go off inside of you"

With that, the captain and his kid walked out, kid danger still silently surprised at captain man calling him 'his kid'

They went back to the man Cave, neither of them talking on the way

When they got there, Charlotte and Jasper had already gone home and Shwoz was in his room

They changed back into their casual clothes and sat down on the couch


"Did you actually call me your kid or am I hearing things..?" Henry asked

Ray looked at him and completely forgot he had even said that

Ray nodded in confirmation

"You've never said that before" Henry pointed out

"Yeah I have" Ray argued

Henry shook his head

"You've said 'a kid', 'the kid', and just 'kid' but never 'my kid'" Henry told him

"Well.. Of course you're my kid" Ray smiled at him "I mean, what did you think?"

"That you'd never say it to anyone else" Henry said honestly

"Do you not want me to?" Ray asked

"No no, it's fine if you do.. It was just..." Henry trailed off a bit "surprising"

"Good surprising or bad?"

"Good" Henry said quickly "definitely a good surprising"



"Maybe don't threaten the vice mayor next time you say it though"

The end


I'm so fucking sorry for not updating in a couple weeks

I'm working on copying all these chapters onto ao3 and it's taking awhile cause I'm doing it with my other 2 books as well

But I was watching this episode earlier and had to write something with it cause I feel like Ray would honestly be PISSED that Willard sent such a dangerous thing to the man cave where he KNEW a kid hung out

But anyway, hope you enjoyed

-AJ out!

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