➤ romance dawn

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        𝐍𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐋𝐘 𝐓𝐄𝐍 years have passed, and our beloved Asa Aito lived a simple life in Shells Town. After experiencing the death of both his younger brother and sensei, he figured it was only suitable to leave his old home, which held such vivid, dark memories.

His brother passed due to an incurable disease, and he couldn't remember all that happened the day he lost his sensei, nor did he want to. What he could remember were the last few moments he had with her.

Sayua had never once taken her red and white fox mask off, at least around Asa. But that day, she did. With shaking hands, she reached for the mask that stuck to her face and gently lifted it.

Asa gasped. He didn't care about the tears flowing down his cheeks like an endless waterfall. He broke down when he saw the soft gaze of her chocolate brown eyes and the soft smile on her blood-decorated lips.

"S-Sayua, sensei, why are you leaving me?" Asa choked on his tears.

She smiled, lifting her hand to his cheek and rubbing affectionately. "Asa, you're an amazing young man, and I know you'll do good things in life."

Asa kept his head down as she kept speaking her last few words.

"You've surprised me at how much you've grown...and although I had no children, I always saw you as one." She chuckled at her own words.

"And you were like a mother to me and my brother." Asa tried copying the same smile as her but failed miserably as he continued to sob uncontrollably. "Don't leave me...I'm scared! I-I don't know what to do without you!"

"Oh, Asa..." She removed her hand from his cheek and slipped it onto her sheathed katana, which stayed on her hip. She slid it off her and placed it firmly on Asa's chest.

"S-Sayua...what are you doing?"

"That katana has been passed down in my family for many generations. I'm supposed to give it to my offspring, but seeing as though I don't have any, well...I want you to have it instead."

Gripping the katana in his hand, Asa gave Sayua their last hug. A goodbye hug.

"Take good care of it."

"I will." He choked on his tears, trying not to let any more spill out.



"Remember your goal, okay? You'll protect those in need until you can't anymore. Remember?"

"Of course," Asa replied with a weak smile.

"Good." And she shut her eyes for the last time.

Asa Aito had to shake his head several times from the sudden memory. Although it didn't bother him as much as it used to, he still couldn't bear the thought of it.

He slumped down to the ground in the small cell inside the Marine Base. Yes, Asa was in a jail cell. Why?

To the Marines, especially Axe-Hand Morgan, Asa Aito was identified as a troublemaker. They would always have to break a fight that Asa and someone else had gotten into.

In reality, Asa was putting them in their place and helping the townspeople. But the Marines couldn't control him. And things they have no control over, they do the unthinkable.

Asa huffed in annoyance. Why was he in jail when he was relieving folks from their troubles? It was stupid. So, you know what he had in mind?


─ 𝐏𝐎𝐋𝐀𝐑𝐎𝐈𝐃 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 ─Where stories live. Discover now