Chapter six

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///ok so the picture today is basically Delaware and Mickey. The oh difference is that Delaware is the same hight as Micky and Mickey doesn't have a prosthetic arm. Other then that it's the same. The next picture I will show will probably be a picture of new York's hair. I wasn't able to find a good picture of a girl that looked a lot like her with blue hair but I found a great picture that actually inspired her look. This is going to be the coming out chapter. Um I think that's about it. So Ya! I love you guys so much! Also yesterday I learned that marriage equality is legal in all states here in the US. this really is going to be. I am just so happy! Let me tell you something. Well ya again I love you guys so so much! ~Jem///

//3rd person POV//

New Hampshire gripped the edges of the sink and looked down at the running water. He was freaking out right now. Al just called saying that dinner would be ready in ten minutes. A nock on the door startles him and he turns off the water and calls out
"Who is it?"
"It me. Jersey. Are you ok? You've been in there a while." New Jersey yells through the door.
"Hmm? Oh Ya sorry. Didn't realize I was in so long. Guess I zoned out washing my hands." New Hampshire says opening the door and smiling at New Jersey.
New Jersey looks at him skeptically but didn't push the subject.
"Ok. Mickey is having dinner with us by the way." New Jersey says putting is arm around new Hampshires shoulders and walking to the kitchen with him to see if Al was done making dinner.
"Really? Where is he?"
"Out in the back with Delaware."
New Hampshire nods as they walk into the kitchen.
Out in the back yard Mickey and Delaware where out in the very back in the corner resting there backs on the wood fencing.
They were watching Spain, north and south Italy, and Germany play soccer (or football depending on where you live). On the tennis court Denmark and Norway where playing tennis against Finland and Sweden while Hong Kong and Iceland sat on the side and talked to each other.
On the track Prussia was running. In the small garden Russia and China where looking at all the flowers and plants. New York was in the shooting range and the shoots she fired could be heard. Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Connecticut and Virginia where all passing a baseball around.
Everyone else was inside doing something or another.
"Hay Mickey." Delaware says nervously.
"It's tonight."
"I know."
"I'm scared Mickey."
"Me too."

New York wiped the sweat off her hands as she unclipped the empty magazine and loaded a new one into her gun and shot at the paper target again and again trying to calm her nerves. She was about to shoot again when Finland came in and looked at her concerned.
"Is everything ok New York?"
"Hmm? Oh, um Ya. Ya everything's fine."
"It doesn't look like it." Finland says walking over to her looking at her in the eyes. At that moment it seemed as if everything in her fell apart and she started to cry. She dropped her gun and buried her face in her hands crying. Finland was shocked but soon rapped his arms around her and hugged her.
"Shh shh everything is going to be ok."
"No it won't! What if he won't love me anymore?"
"Who won't love you again?" Finland asks.
"Now why wouldn't he love you? Your an amazing person."
"B-b-because I'm b-b-bi."
Finland's eyes widened in surprise before holding her tighter and says softly,
"Jamie. America will love you no matter what. I have known him since before you became a state. He will love you. I promise."
New York looks up at him and says,
"Yes really. Everyone will still love you the same. I know I do."
New York smiles. Her phone vibrates in her pocket and she pulls away from Finland to look to see who texted her.
As she turns on her phone and reads the name she smiles and laughs.
"Who is it?" Finland asks trying to look at her phone.
New York bits her lip, still smiling and says happily, "my girlfriend."
Finland smiled and didn't push about what they were talking about.
Massachusetts walks in and says that's dinner is ready and the three go inside.
Sweden made a table that could fit everyone outside on the grass and everyone took there seats. The states sat in between the nations and America was a the head of the table.
Everyone was happily eating and talking except for New York Delaware Micky and New Hampshire.
Delaware and Mickey would look at each other constantly before looking back at there half eaten, pushed around food. New York was playing with her food as well, pushing it around with her fork. Finland, who sat right in front of her kept looking up at her, knowing what was about to happen. New Hampshire didn't even touch his food. He kept his hands in his lap and starred down at them. New Jersey, who sat in front of him, kicked him lightly with the tow of his foot and mouthed
'What's wrong?'
New Hampshire just shook his head and looked back down.
A fork loudly clattered on a plate and everyone stopped talking and looked to see who it was. New York had looked up at everyone and stood up.
"I, um." She took a deep breath and said,
"I'm bi..." Looking around.
Delaware and Mickey stood up.
"We're gay too."
"And we're dating. Have been for a while."
The hold hands and look at each other smiling.
"I'm gay too." New Hampshire says slowly standing.
New York and Delaware look at New Hampshire with wide eyes.
"Called it." North Carolina says.
New Hampshire looked at North Carolina confused.
"I've seen the way you look at Jonas."
"Jonas? As in your best friend Jonas?" America says speaking up.
"U-u-um Ya."
"Why didn't you tell me?" America asks being serious.
"Because we didn't want you to react badly." New York butts in.
America looks at her now.
"Why would you think that?" He says slightly hurt. "I will always love you guys. You too Mickey."
The four smile slightly and New York tears up.
Americas eyes widen and he rushes over to her. He pulls her into a hug and she bursts into tears again.
"Shh shh Jamie it's ok. It's ok." America says petting her hair and swaying with her slightly to calm her down.
"I-I-I. I thought you wouldn't love me anymore!" She says crying harder.
All of the nations look at each other.
"Hay hay hay. I still love you honey." America says.
Finland quietly gets up and grabs Sweden as a way to tell him to get up. The two leave and slowly everyone else does until it's only New York, America, New Hampshire, Delaware and Mickey.
Eventually New York calmed down and the two pulled away.
"Look guys I will love you no matter what." America says looking at the four.
"Now besides miles and Mickey, who else is dating someone?"
New York and New Hampshire blush and raise there hands.
America laughs and asks who it was.
"Jonas." New Hampshire says smiling and fixing his glasses, a nervous habit he has.
"And you Jamie?" America asks with an amused smile on his face as he turns to her.
New York blushes and smiles before pulling out her phone and turning it on. Her lock screen was a picture of her and Jess right before practice. They had on leotards and there hair up. Both were smiling wide at the camera.
New York hands her phone to America and says,
"Her name is Jess."
New Hampshire looks over Americas shoulder to see her.
"She's pretty." America says handing New York her phone back.
New York nods.
"Ya she is." she says.
Later that night New York called Jess and told her what happened.
"Are you serious?" Jess asked through the phone.
New York smiles and says,
"Ya! He was totally ok with it! He wants to meet you!"
"Oh my god! That's great Jamie! Mom did you hear that! Jamie came out to her dad and he wants to meet me!" Jess yells to her mom who she was already out to.
New York laughs when she hears Jess' mom say,
"Oh that's great! I'm so happy it went well!"
"I have to go Jess but I'll see you tomorrow. Ok?" New York says looking at her alarm clock on her dresser.
"Oh god your right. Ok Ya I'll see you tomorrow. I love you!"
"I love you too."
New York hung up the phone and looked at up at her brothers.
"Gross." New Jersey says.
"Do you have to be all mushy gushy like that? At least New Hampshire has the decency to text Jonas."
New York rolls her eyes and jumps New Jersey.
"Oh your just jealous cuz I have a girlfriend and you don't!"
New Jersey laughs and rolls around with New York until he's on top of her and starts to tickle her.
"Am not."
New York laughs as New Jersey keeps tickling her.
"S-s-s-stop!" She says laughing in between the small word.
"Only when you say I'm not jealous." New Jersey says tickling her harder.
New Hampshire looks at them through his glasses and smiles.
New Jersey keeps tickling her until New York finally gives up and says that he isn't jealous anymore.
New York wipes a tear from her eye before putting her hair in a messy bun.
A nock on the door was heard and all three states look at it before New Jersey says,
"Come in."
The door opens and Canada is in the doorway smiling at the three teens.
"Hi guys I just wanted to say that you two were very brave today. I love you and England and papa will be in here soon to give you guys a big speech about what you did. There with Delaware and Mickey right now though." He says before going up and hugging New York and New Hampshire.
He smiles at them one last time before leaving the room, closing the door behind him.
"Great now uncle iggy and uncle Francis are going to chew our ears off." New Jersey says.
"Maybe if we turn the lights off and pretend to go to sleep they won't bother us.
The three look at each other before nodding. New Jersey and New Hampshire get on the air mattress and lay down like they have been sleeping.
"Your glasses Hampshire." New York dead pans.
New Hampshire takes off his glasses and places them on the floor by his side of the air mattress. New York rolls her eyes before turning off the lights and fumbling into her bed.
About ten minutes later the door opens and pale light seeps into the room.
England and France look into the room to find the states 'asleep'.
"I guess we could just tell them during breakfast." England says.
France nods and the two nations leave, closing the door.
When there footsteps fade away the three states open there eyes and look at each other.
"Guess we're out of the talk for tonight." New Hampshire says.
The other two nod before actually going to sleep.

///sorry this was so short guys. I love you!///

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