[5] Commence Initiation

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Bright lights entered my eyes. Sounds of rustling came from all around me. I sat up, rubbing my eyes as they adjusted to the new light. There were a few initiates still laying in their beds, but the majority of everyone was up, getting ready for the first day of training—the first day of initiation.

Shoot. Training starts today; I wonder what they'll actually make us do.

Nerves entered my body, and I stood up from my bed. I slowly walked over to the 'bathroom' and stood in front of a mirror. The girl that stared back at me looked exhausted, dark bags circling under her eyes. Her hair was untidy, wildly falling out of her braid. I sighed as I took cold water from the sink and splashed it on my face. I had always done this in Amity—it helped me to wake up. I took the hair tie from my loose hair and pulled it back into a tight ponytail.

"Morning." Mumbled Christina who was now standing at the sink next to me.


"Any idea what they'll put us through on our first day?"

I smiled and shook my head. "Not a clue." It was good to have a friend.

We made our way to join the others just outside the dorms where Eric and Four were waiting for us.

Eric checked his watch. "Eight-o-clock, right on time; not bad." he spoke, the two now leading us down another set of hallways. We soon came to a large room with a line of punching bags along the back wall and a large circle in the center of the room.

"The first thing you'll learn is how to use a gun. We'll teach you how to fight later." Four explained. "Lucky for us, we won't have to teach you how to get on and off of a train." He said half smiling. Christina Tris and exchanged concerned looks as we knew what was about to happen. Without any more warning, Four and Eric took off at a fast jog. We raced along through the Dauntless compound, making our way through the Pit. There were several other smaller groups of Dauntless members running through the pit; this must be normal for them.

"Have you ever used a gun before?" Christina asked both Tris and I as we continued running alongside one another.

"Never seen one."

"I have." I said, receiving questioning looks from them. Their puzzled faces made me realize just how absurd that is; Amity, of all factions, using guns. "I found a pile of old guns in the back of a storeroom when I was a kid. I took one and altered it so I could use it to plant seeds quicker." I looked over to both of them, dumbfounded expressions staring back at me. "What? I was a lazy kid." This earned laughs from all of us.

We came to the end of a large tunnel that led to an outdoor section of the Dauntless compound. Train tracks crossed diagonally across the road, rumbling louder as we got closer. There was no time for us to catch our breath as the train was swiftly approaching. As I saw the headlights come into view, I took off as fast as I could.

The train was soon next to me, moving at a slightly faster pace. As I ran, I jumped as high as I could, and managed to grab the outside handle and open the door for the others. One by one, the initiates, along with Four and Eric, piled through the open door. There was only one person left to jump on. One of the boys, who I've seen around Peter, jumped into the car, grabbing the handle I was hanging on to, making me loosen my grip. As he made his way fully onto the train, I felt a strong push on my side.

There wasn't time to react, my fingers tightly wrapped around the handle were the only thing keeping me from falling off.

"Y/N!" Shouts came from inside the train. I looked up to see Christina and Tris both holding their hands out to help, but they were just out of reach; I couldn't risk letting go with one hand. As I strained to get a better grip, adrenaline kicked in, making my hands even more slippery with sweat. The wind pounded against my body as the train barreled down the tracks.

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