[2] I Am Not Kind

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Today was the day. Again. Today we would use whatever information the aptitude tests gave us to decide which faction we would officially be joining. To many, the test is very helpful, and they already have a pretty good idea of which faction they will choose. Almost certainly which faction they will choose. I do not get such luxury.

Small gusts of wind brushed across my cheek and tangled my loose hairs as I waited in line with every other eighteen-year-old and their families. We were waiting with our factions to enter the Hub—the place where we would all choose the fate of the rest of our lives.

"-Y/N... Y/N!" I heard a voice hiss beside me. I turn to face Jack, one of my best friends from Amity.

"You ok? You were zoning out for a while there."

"Fine." I said, giving him a not very convincing smile.

Before he could press the subject any further, a voice in the lines next to us rose above the idle chatter, grabbing our attention.

"You stiffs are just keeping all the food and luxuries to yourselves, don't deny it!"

"What's he on about?" Jack asked no one in particular. In the line of people next to ours, the Candor, I saw a tall, dark haired, candor boy quarreling with the Abnegation.

"Hey, look at me when I'm talking to you." He said, turning an Abnegation boy's shoulders harshly towards him. Subconsciously I walked closer to the commotion. The Candor boy kept it up, pestering several other members of Abnegation.

Well he definitely doesn't belong in Amity or Abnegation.

"Y/N." I felt Jack tug my sleeve, "What are you doing?"

I hadn't realized just how far my wandering had taken me until there were many pairs of eyes on me. Usually this much attention would make me rather uncomfortable, but not this time. The Abnegation have been getting bullied a lot more lately; someone needs to stand up for them.

"Hey." I said walking closer to the Candor boy. "Leave them alone."

A sly grin grew on the boy's face as he chuckled and turned to face me.

"And just what are you going to do about it, Amity girl?" He asked, that stupid grin still plastered on his face. I studied good features; his sharp jawline defining his face, and his soft green eyes that could be kind if he truly wanted them to.

He'd be quite attractive if it weren't for that nasty personality.

"Hello? I'm talking to you." He forcefully grabbed my wrist to get my attention.

"Does it look like I care?" I said, using my free hand to release his grip, not letting my eye contact slip.

A simple hum was the only response I received. The Candor boy simply turned back to face the Hub.

I could have handled that a little better, more like someone from Amity would, but sometimes being nice doesn't solve problems.

As I made my way back to my spot in line, Jack looked like he was both awestruck and confused. I can't imagine why. Before he could say anything or ask me about what had just happened, the doors to the Hub opened and we all began filling in.

Inside was a large, circular room. It had been organized where each faction would sit in a pattern encompassing a stage at the center. There were five bowls each holding objects that represent the five factions.

Soon everyone found their seats and the ceremony began. Someone from Abnegation was giving a speech, but it was quite boring. The decision of which faction I would join was on my mind; I'm still not sure which one I should choose.

Am I kind enough to stay in Amity? Am I even smart enough or brave enough to consider Erudite or Dauntless?

The sound of someone's name being called made me snap out of my thoughts. As the names continue to be called, I am unable to take my eyes off the center where one by one, we all choose our new faction. One name stood out to me at the beginning: Beatrice Prior. She was a quiet Abnegation girl who I've had several classes with. She chose to join Dauntless. Usually transfers into Dauntless are only from Candor and Erudite, so the unified gasp that erupted from the crowd was understandable.

Many others chose, but it was all a blur. Until I heard two deafening words: my own name.

"Y/N L/N."

Like a robot, I got up from my seat and slowly walked up to the center. The five bowls and a sliver knife awaited me. I hesitantly took the knife in my hand and made a small cut on the other. Blood began to pool in my palm as I turned to face the bowls.

Staying in Amity would guarantee me a life of comfort. Though I I know that I could never truly be happy there.

I took a deep breath. Everyone else has the luxury of being told what to do, or at least guided in one direction.

I may not have the luxury of being told where I belong. But I have something no one else does: a choice. I know where I belong.

Before I could change my mind or overthink my decision, I opened my cupped hand over the bowl and watched as my blood sizzled against the Dauntless coals. For as hard as I'd tried the past eighteen years, I am not like them. I am not kind. I am brave.

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