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' Bad Moon Rising '

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' Bad Moon Rising '

( season 2, episode 3 )

ALEXANDRA had seldom contemplated the intricacies of her own mortality. Life unfolded before her with its routine responsibilities and daily concerns, and the idea of how her story might conclude remained tucked away in the recesses of her mind. However, life has a way of surprising even the most unassuming individuals, and Alexandra found herself unexpectedly confronted with the harsh reality of death. The nonchalant attitude she once held towards the subject dissolved in the face of an unavoidable encounter. In this unforeseen moment, she was compelled to grapple with the profound questions surrounding the nature of life and its inevitable end, transforming her perspective and prompting a newfound contemplation of the deeper aspects of her own existence.

The sunlight trickled in through the curtain and warmed her face, she could practically see the brightness it was causing over her eyelids. A sharp yawn spilled from her lips as she woke up but her peaceful morning was soon interrupted by her cell phone ringing loudly from her nightstand, she groaned and rolled over with her hand outstretched to snatch the phone off the nightstand. Alex lifted it above her head and examined the caller ID and found it was Damon calling her, she huffed and pressed answer,

"¿Mande?", Alex responded with a frustrated huff, she glanced at her clock and a groan escaped her lips when it read, '7:18 AM'.

"Well, aren't you a happy camper... Wake up, I need you to come to the boarding house.", Damon spoke, his voice holding a sarcastic chirp which further pushed Alex's annoyance with him for waking her up.

"Why? What happened this time?", Alex questioned as she sat up on her bed, she tossed the comforter off of her body and slid off her bed. Her phone pressed to her ear as she grabbed clothes from her dresser that sat a few feet away,

"We need help with research on the Lockwood family, Ric is coming over as well.", Damon explained over the phone, Alex had set it down on the counter as she fixed her hair quickly.

"Fine, I'll be over soon.", Alex replied before her finger pressed down on the 'end call' button before turning her attention back to the mirror and going through her brief morning routine so she didn't look like a mess.

Alex walked down the steps from her porch with a cup of coffee in hand that she managed to make in a rush, lucky she hadn't spilled it in her hurry to get out the door as she knew she wouldn't hear the end of it from Damon if she didn't rush. Once she sat in her car, she started it and backed down her driveway quickly, it took her 10 minutes to drive to the Salvatore Boarding House at the speed she went. Once there, she realized Ric had just gotten there as well and quickly made her way in after the man who was opening the door ahead of her.

"Thanks for coming, Ric. Can I get you something to drink? Coffee, bourbon? Bourbon in your coffee?", Damon mused as he spoke to Ric, he hadn't seen Alex quite yet. Once his blue eyes slid over and noticed the brunette standing just within the threshold, he grinned mischievously and strutted closer. Alex noticed this and rolled her eyes in annoyance, she took a brief sip of her coffee before handing it over to Damon as she knew he would probably end up taking it anyway. Damon smirked and winked slightly before continuing his conversation with Ric as if nothing had happened.

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