Chapter 10: Away From Resentment

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I drifted in and out of consciousness, my black vision occasionally merging with a burning red.

I groaned out through gritted teeth as a cool liquid splashed over my shoulder, every muscle in my body tensing as a bright flash of excruciating pain crawled up my arm. "Grrggghhhh."

"Stop squirming or you're going to make this harder."

With blurry sight, I saw a familiar set of focused golden eyes carefully monitoring the wound in my arm. His hands were steady as they slowly stitched the gash, the bright lamp light reflecting off the small silver needle.

There was a slight snip, and the searing pain slowly faded to a dull ache.

"He lost a lot of blood. I did what I could, but I can't make any promises." He leaned back in his chair, rubbing his temple.

"Thank you for what you've done." Clayra's voice was marked with worry, and I tried to sit up to ease her anxiety if only slightly, but a dizziness instantly rushed to my head making me regret the decision.

"You really should've gone to a hospital." The clerk groaned out as he scratched his head.

"It wasn't an option." I let my head rest on the wall behind me, closing my eyes in hopes the nausea would fade.

"So of course, you came here for some third-rate help from a guy you barely know. Makes sense."

Clayra fidgeted her hands.

"Well, regardless sir-"

He chuckled under his breath as he wiped his hands with a cloth, apparently amused at the formality. "It's Kelgo. Just Kelgo."

"Kelgo. Regardless...Thank you."

He threw away the cloth now stained red with blood. "Do I get a name for the troublemakers who walked into my store half dead?"

Clay straightened her back.

"I'm Clayra, and this is my brother Connor."

Kelgo nodded as he rocked back into his chair.

The cicadas in the trees outside the window chittered their off-key song.

"Look..." he sighed. "I'm not one to get involved in other people's business..."

He stared at Clayra before drifting his gaze to me. "But what exactly are you into?"

I squinted at him, trying to make out his features through the lamp light. Maybe it was the blood loss, or maybe it was just that I felt I could trust him, but my mouth started running before my brain could catch up.

"He told us he was going to build an empire. Get what's due us after all the dipshit heroes, who claim they care, only ever seem to kill the people they say they want to save. Go for fame while leaving their casualties to fend for themselves."

"Connor..." I felt Clay's voice melt in dejection. I guess it had been the first time I really voiced those deep feelings. But the truth was, I never wanted this life for her. For either of us. And it was a hero who caused it. Caused it all. We deserved restitution.

"Who told you that?"

Clay jumped in first. "He's very private, and he never wanted to tell us his name. But he goes by the name shadow man now."

Kelgo dropped off, obviously plagued in thought.

"What does he look like?"

Clay tapped her foot anxiously, a clear dread washing over her. We were marching into dangerous ground.

She was braver than I.

"He has blank white eyes, and a scar that runs down the side of his cheek. His ability has something to do with shadow-work or silhouettes." She cupped her fist. "He's incredibly strong."

Kelgo's eyes widened, a small tremor developing in his once steady hands.

"Damien Hawthorne..."

The words fell out of his mouth as fragile as a glass ball sitting atop the edge of a tall counter.

"You know him?" I chimed in again from the wall, trying to keep myself from passing out.

"Yea..." He clasped his hands together tightly, almost as if he thought the act would prevent him from travelling back into the darkness of his mind. "We've had dealings..." he muttered underneath his breath. "Although I hoped he was gone for good."

He looked at us, a new desperation lurking behind the golden spheres.

"I know I already told you once kid, but now I mean it. You need to get out. He's dangerous. Way more dangerous than you think. He doesn't care about anyone but himself." He shut his eyes, distinct wrinkles forming along his forehead a clear indication of worry...and regret. "He will kill you the instant you stop being of use to him."

Clay looked at me, her lips narrowing as she processed his words.

"Wait right here." Kelgo got up from his ragged chair and walked to the back of the store disappearing down a small hallway.

A few minutes later he returned holding two flat cards. He tossed them to Clay.

She gasped.

"I.D's? But how did you..." she trailed off as she examined the two cards. As she bent one slightly towards me, I couldn't help but also be enamoured at the likeness that it had, almost as if I had actually sat for the picture. Through blurry eyes, I could just barely read the tag as a Solomon Dayer. "...and so fast."

"Dumb quirk." He responded, once again rubbing the back of his head. "I can change the appearance of any small object. It's stupid, but I found a use for it."

His tone grew more serious as Clay continued to evaluate the new identification cards.

"Use those to get out... before it's too late."

His eyes bored deep into me.

"Start a new life...away from the resentment you feel."

Using the wall as a support, I pulled myself up off the ground, careful to not let my unsteadiness get the better of me.

"We'll be fine." I looked over to Clay, motioning for her to follow. "Let's go."

She protested. "You need to rest!"

"I will..." I appeased her. "When we get back."

My eyes shot to Kelgo. "Thanks again. I guess now we're even."

He nodded, his arms still folded in front of him as he occupied the chair.

As the last of our footsteps echoed across the store tile, I still felt his eyes watching us, and a small gust of wind carried his words over to me.

"Don't die, kid."

I clenched my fist as we continued walking down the street, turning into the alley.

I most certainly didn't plan on it.

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