Chapter 7: Those Who Might Be Watching

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As I walked back and forth between the streets of people frozen midstride, adding the small disks to each camera I saw, I noticed how quickly I had become exhausted.

'I'm not sure how much longer I can keep this up.' My breath heaved and I clutched my gut as a wave of nausea caught me.

Thankfully, I was almost back to the alley. I would rest there.

The silence was almost deafening, the usual whispers of breath and wind, the revving of engines and gurgle of buildings were all but gone now. With each step, and the loud clicking echoes of my shoes on the concrete, I felt my grip on this frozen world slip more and more. Slowly, I started to notice cars inching forward, feet moving closer to the concrete.


I started to run. I needed to make it back to the alley before everything caught up to me or this would have all been for nothing.

My chest screamed at me even more now, my running tapping out my reserves even further than they already had been.

As I reached the alley, I slid to a stop with a loud scrape of my shoes across the pavement as a small spark caught the corner of my eye.

Turning to face the convenience store, it was then that I noticed through the glint of the windows, a man wearing a black mask holding a dark gun up to the clerk. The spark was still noticeable, although fading, as the bullet moved slowly to exit the chamber.

My eyes widened in shock as a sharp pain stabbed my gut. I needed to release my hold on this world soon. But as soon as I did...the clerk would die.

'That has nothing to do with me!'

Another stab of pain echoed across my abdomen. Immediately I thought of Clayra. What would she say if she found out I let this man die?

'Damn it!'

Without a second thought I raced out into the street towards the store. But my energy was tapped. The world started moving forward, now. Faster and faster.

'Hurry. Hurry!'

I barreled through the store entry, and just as I felt my last grips on the world fade, I crashed into the man with the gun, dragging us both to the floor.

A flood of noise entered my ears all at once including a loud crack that echoed out in the store. The bullet had left the gun.

I scrambled to my feet and looked down as I saw the assailant turn slightly, clearly discombobulated.

My hands trembled.

Adrenaline coursed through me, as panic set in. 'Had I made it in time?'

There was a groaning as the man behind the counter slowly stood up, one hand clutched to his ear, tufts of light brown hair peaking between his fingers. A slight trickle of blood streamed down.

"Are you alright? Sir?" I ran over to the counter, fear and desperation marking my voice.

He grumbled, gritting his teeth in obvious pain. "....yea..." his hand lowered revealing a slight gash on his cheek on top of the blood from his ear. "He just grazed me."

Relief settled over me. Thank God.

The store bell dinged, and there was a loud thud as metal boots clanged to the floor. A hero.

My mind went numb, and my fingers ran cold. What if he started to ask me questions? I couldn't tell him much, and I had no identification. Not to mention if the clerk started spilling the beans about my quirk. This was not going to end well. The shadow man was going to be mad.

The building shook as the tall boulder of a hero walked over to the collapsed assailant and picked him up by his shirt. "Just the robber I was looking for!" Even his voice was loud. The hero looked our direction, and I did everything I could to avoid eye contact.

The clerk faced the boulder head on.

"Ah, I see I was a little late. My sincerest apologies. You aren't too injured I hope?"

The clerk shook his head, his golden eyes sharp. "No sir, just a scrape."

"Thank goodness. There are many others who have not been so lucky." The boulder tilted his head, looking my direction. "And you?"

I shook my head, but my mouth refused to form words.

"I must say..." the boulder continued, squinting his discerning grey eyes as if probing me. "I am surprised to see you here. Pattern has struck that this... fiend," he gestured to the man he was manhandling with only one of his ridiculously think arms, "only attacks when no one else is present."

I felt the sheer weight of his analysis. What should I say? How should I lie? Would that even be possible with the clerk here? And if the shadow man found out...

"He was in the bathroom when the robber came in, so he must not have seen him." My eyes darted to the clerk who was now rubbing the back of his head, right past his injured face. "And lucky for me too! He was able to knock the assailant down and throw off his aim. If he hadn't have been here..." the clerk looked at me, his golden irises meeting my stark blue. "I wouldn't be here right now."

The boulders eyes narrowed slightly, weighing the clerk's story before turning to me.

"That was a very brave thing, young sir. You should be very proud."

I mumbled out a slight thank you, still refusing to meet his gaze.

"Well, I will be off to have this man answer for his crimes. Please see to those injuries."

"I will, thank you hero."

As the boulder left the store, the clerk immediately ducked underneath the counter pulling out a small first aid kit.

"Why... why did you lie for me?" The words stuttered out as I saw him carefully take out some sterilizing wipes and a band-aid.

"Because you saved my life." He looked up at me slightly before returning to the work in front of him. "And because I know all too well the look of a man who isn't exactly trying to have run-ins with the law."

My shock prevented me from answering him.

"Shouldn't you go to a doctor for that?" I pointed to the injuries on his face and ear.

"This? Nah. This is little league. Nothing time won't fix." As he wiped the last bit of blood from his face and applied the band-aid he slid the kit right back underneath the counter.

"If you'd been a second later, I would've been in some major trouble though."

I looked down.

"Look man." The clerk's elbows came resting on the counter. "I don't know what you are into right now... but take it from someone who has made a lot of bad choices in their life. Get out while you can."

I clenched my fist. It wasn't so easy. This was my whole life. My family. "It's not as simple as that. There are some fights you can't walk away from."

The clerk sighed. "There's nothing wrong with a good fight. Just make sure you know why you're doing it."

I stared at him, jamming my hand into my pocket. As my hand entered the denim of my jeans, I felt my knuckle brush against cold circular metal. I still had one left to place. Looking up, my eyes caught a glint of another camera lens.

"Trust me. I have a reason." I started toward the door, landing just outside the range of the camera, but then halted out of some sort of obligation to the man who had lied for me.

"And just a heads up." I tilted my head back slightly to address him. "Just be wary of who might be watching on that security camera of yours."


Before I let him finish, I used what little energy I had left to will the world to slow.

All the disks were gone now, and my task was complete

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