Wedding Day

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Liakada POV

This was the first time I've felt nervous ever since I had to perform an Emergency aortic surgery on a five year old camper (So glad that kid survived he almost gave me a heart attack almost as badly as when Ignis broke his leg when he was training with his claymore and all I can say about that is it was so much blood) Anyway I looked at my suit which Alitheia insisted had to be white too "Esa estúpida granada" I mumbled as I thought to myself about the possibilities of red food falling on my suit which was expensive I wanted to see Nako but because of how superstition some of the people here were I knew they would freak out if they found out I saw Nako before the wedding Ekdikisi came in "Hey I just wanted to see how you were doing before the wedding" "Well I'm doing good how are you and that Granada estúpida doing?" "Okay first off don't call Alitheia stupid and second we are doing well now and we're planning to go on a date after your wedding!" "Well good for you but I'm about to have the best day of my life, my wedding!"
Me and Ekdikisi continued to talk for a good amount of time while I continued to get ready Shino and Chara also came in they started gossiping about random things they heard from random campers at some point me and Ekdikisi started arguing in two different languages "Oh meus deuses, você é tão estúpido que é tão difícil ver que você é realmente um médico!" "¡Bueno, es culpa mía que tu estúpido novio siga secuestrando niños!" "MENOS EU TENHO FILHOS!" "¡AL MENOS TENGO TRABAJO!" "... That was too far Liakada" "I know... But it was worth it!" "... This is why I don't like hanging out with you" "I know anyway when is the wedding starting?" "In a few minutes" "Okay let's get going then" We all started going to our spots Ekdikisi, Shino, and Chara stood at my side Seishin, Nicole, and Alitheia. Ignis was at the end (He was the flower girl) I stood there waiting for Nako to come so the ceremony to begin I felt nervous and the music began to play and Ignis dropped the flowers Nako walked out he still had the tired look but to me he looked absolutely stunning my heart was pounding in my chest

A few Moments Ago

Nako POV

This was the first time I felt didn't feel like I could pass out which is saying something because I need to sleep twenty hours and forty minutes a day or I'll sleep longer tomorrow and the day after that trying to fix my schedule again which is so tiring Seishin, Nicole, and Alitheia were helping me get ready Agapi was helping Ignis get ready and he was sitting at the front and as he said "Away from the common campers" I can only imagine what it's like to sit near them as I make them tired just by sleeping on a rock (I personally recommend large smooth ones that has been bathing in the sun when it's shady don't believe the lizards I did once and I was escorted to the medics from heat exhaustion though now thinking about it someone could've thought I passed out when I was just sleeping also the rock I first slept on was very uncomfortable even with blankets, pillows, and stuffed animals) I made sure my dress fit me and that it didn't fall off like last time which was embarrassing and gave me a heart attack and all I wanted to do was hug Lia but unfortunately he couldn't see me because of the superstitious people in camp
"Ξέρω ότι τον βρίσκεις καυτό αλλά νομίζω ότι είναι άσχημος!" "Λοιπόν δεν με νοιάζει γιατί μάντεψε! Ξέρω ότι βρίσκεις ένα άσχημο κορίτσι καυτό!" "Can both of you shut up already? We're trying to get him ready for a wedding and you two are gossiping about your stupid love lives!" I was still getting ready Nicole was putting on my makeup while she yelled at Seishin and Alitheia I swear those two act so similar and they look like each other so much I mistook Seishin for Alitheia once maybe they are related even though they both denied it but then again everything they do could be all coincidence my dress was on pretty nicely it wasn't tight but it wasn't going to fall off Seishin, Nicole, and Alitheia went to their spots next to where I'm supposed to be I got my bouquet and started to walk out my black hair flowed behind me even though it was fairly short when I finally saw him I saw Liakada and how handsome he looked I felt my face go red I stood in my spot me and Liakada said our vows and we kissed we are now officially married I tossed my bouquet to the crowd and Alitheia caught it his face went red as well it's been a long and fun time

Bonus in the future!

"So... When are we getting kids?" Ekdikisi asked Alitheia, his new husband "We already have three kids, why do you want another one?" "Because I want to see how well we can take care of little kids like toddlers" "I'll think about it but no kissing on the lips in front of the kids" "Why not?" "Because some of them are too innocent to know what we're doing" "But Seishin and Chara kiss in front of their kid!" "You mean the one that already has a girlfriend while our sons are still just as single as Norway?" "... Yeah good point"

"What countries have the highest proportions of people living alone?"
45.8% Norway.
44.1% Denmark.
43.0% Finland.
42.5% Sweden.
41.7% Germany.
40.3% Estonia.

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