Family Reunion

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I look around at my family and their names some of them have already faded into the long forgotten world of hatred the only name that hasn't disappeared is mine but where we find hatred fun fun also a place where acceptance takes place

Alitheia POV

I was walking back to the camp I live at and Ekdikisi was next to me Shinda, Allicin, Nekri, Obake, Zero, and Ichi were with us we got the privilege of having a vacation as we walked into camp I saw my twin sister Seishin she looked the same way as I remember her hair is a dark pomegranate red and her skin is the color of pomegranate wood her jacket is a dark gray with light gray skulls her hair is short and messy and having a very flat chest makes her look more like a male than female her eyes are a ruby red with blood red skulls in them because we were identical I also looked like that the only difference is that I'm more feminine despite being male I was about to turn around but the others brought me over to her they began to talk with their friends Shinda was staring at my sister and flirting with her Chara just glared at Shinda simps, Nako said something that made me and my sister panic "You two look identical are you two siblings or was it a coincidence?" We both spoke at the same time and said the same thing "We aren't related. I've never met this person in my entire life!" So much for convincing them we weren't related
Everyone left me and Seishin alone. "So... is there anything you want to do we can both agree on?" She looked at me as I said that and she responded "Today is the day father died right? Let's do something to respect and disrespect him at the same time" I nodded at that we made a lantern I put his ashes in the lantern we lit it and let it float over the ocean that was near the camp it was quiet as we were the only ones awake we look up at the moon two clouds that looked like a fox and wolf floating around it we looked at the sea again Seishin was the first to talk "Too bad I didn't get to see it happen I was really looking forward to being able to reject the marriage" "Well either way you wouldn't have been able to get married to a girl because of how homophobic the town was" "True but now that we aren't in that stupid town now I can marry the cute girl here!" "You already have your eyes on someone? That was oddly fast" "Girls are hot I don't understand how you can love a boy but that blondy looks like a good match with you when are you two getting married?" "We aren't in love! We're only coworkers and that's it!" We both laughed we didn't know it at that time but we were finally happy to have company for the first time in our lives

Ekdikisi POV

It was the day after we came back from vacation I felt oddly jealous of the new girl named Seishin now before I was flirting with everyone as a way of teasing them to get a reaction the only one who had no reaction was Alítheia after a long time of me trying to get him flustered I realized that I was the one who fell head over heels for him unlike Shinda I knew that I had to respect my crushed feelings whether or not they liked me back Minerva one of our bosses had pairs of two spend a day together me and Seishin were paired together normally I wouldn't say anything but I just didn't like her I felt like she was trying to get with Alítheia I mean they said it was a coincidence they looked like but then again they could've been lying I mean Alítheia doesn't speak about his family and when he does he usually lies about it so I couldn't fully trust their words but there was always a possibility that they didn't lie and that she is trying to date him
We walk towards the area Skáiler our other boss told us to go to which was in a cave as we walk in the entrance collapsed we both glanced at each other "So I can get us out but should we just continue the mission or no" I looked at her and said "We should just continue the mission unless we need to leave" We made our way to the area it was dark when suddenly sunlight entered the cave Seishin clearly didn't like it as she hissed the moment the light hit her we both noticed a Sanctus their pretty humanoid but their all one main color usually gray this one was black they glitch in and out of reality some of them are shapeshifters but it's rare to see one Seishin grabbed my arm and ran off to reach a room and closed it off the monster was trying to get in "Oh my god! We're going to die! Do something!" She looked at me as I yelled, "The heck do you want me to do Sherlock!" "Can't you teleport!" "Not when I'm holding a Sanctus off with a fucking boulder!" I paused then I remembered something Alítheia told me "Alítheia said that their homophobic let's try yelling out crush if it's our same gender!" "Alright!" We both yelled at the same time "I'm in love with Chara/Alítheia!" The Sanctus ran off the moment it heard that Seishin gave me an odd look "You're in love with my brother!" "Alitheia is your brother?!"
She teleported us out after we threatened each other I walked to Alítheia we began talking and I realized something maybe I am a little bit possessive but one thing is for sure I won't stop loving him till the day I die

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