A Brand New Start (PT-1)

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It was sunny day at tremorton, Sheldon then wakes up early in the morning. He then starts preparing as he can't wait to see Jenny Wakeman along with his friends, and walks outside and sees Jenny across the street, as he shows his pleasing smile as he rush to see her.

Sheldon: Hi Jenny! How are you today?

Jenny: Hey umm.... Sheldon I have been wanting to ask you but what do you really think of me? *Jenny wakeman was curious to know Sheldon's words*

Sheldon: well... i think you're very nice and smart.. and funny too! and beautiful! *he said smiling at her* also very cute~ *He blushed slightly when he saw the look on Jenny's face* so yes, I like you a lot! *Sheldon smiled warmly at Jenny.*

Jenny: Oh! you really think of me that way? *Jenny then smiles and hugs Sheldon* Oh Sheldon that makes me so happy!

Sheldon: y-yes! why wouldn't I? *his voice cracked as he spoke and his cheeks were flushed red from being hugged by Jenny*

Jenny: I thought you would still hate me after this years, and I quite felt guilty that time where I threw you outer space, it was unpleasant to see and I know that you wouldn't forgive me... but I tried everything to fix it so... is there any way I could repay you? *Jenny looks at Sheldon with sad teary eyes and having pouting her blue ponytails down*

Sheldon: hm... well... maybe if you could help me out with something? *Sheldon pauses for a moment, thinking about it* Hahaha. What did you have in mind? *he asked curiously.*

Jenny: I was thinking about what you want me to do for you? maybe I could help you out or anything else maybe something your interested with? I'm still not sure what you wanted, so maybe you can tell me and decide it yourself. *Jenny then waits patiently and was preparing for Sheldon's decision*

Sheldon: Well.. you don't have to repay me anything Jenny. I am looking forward to have you with me.. *smiles and blushes slightly*

Jenny: Oh.. Okay then.. Since Brad and Tuck are out of town I guess it wouldn't hurt to atleast keep you company for now

Ever since that day, Jenny has been hanging out with Sheldon, all day and was hoping for Sheldon to tell her what she would do for him.

Jenny: So Sheldon... sorry if I'm bothering you around but I've been curious what is your favourite colour? *She then gets curious and was hoping he would answer to her question*

Sheldon: ohh... well.. um.. purple. *He paused for a second as his face turned red* Why the sudden interest in that question? *he asked as he looked away shyly*

Jenny: Ah! it's nothing really! *nervously laughs and blushed a bit* I just wanted to know what kind of colours you like it's nothing special at all!

Sheldon: okay then! *He smiled brightly and gave her an awkward laugh* Well, purple suits me pretty well actually. *His cheeks were flushed pink as he spoke.* Now what else should we talk about today? *he asks excitedly as he leans closer towards her face* Maybe some fun games or even movies?

Jenny: Oh it's a secret~ *As she smirked and smiles while giggling at Sheldon's question* You don't have to know since it's a surprise..

Sheldon: Aww come on now! Tell me already! *he pouted playfully* Pleaseeee?! *his voice had become playful and teasing* Just one more hint pleaseeeee!!! *he begged eagerly* Come on! Don't keep secrets from me!!

Jenny: No, I won't tell unless you behave and wait for me to finish for it and besides it's not even yet so be a good boy and wait for me? *Jenny pats Sheldon's head to calm him down* It's nothing special really, it's just something I wanted to make just for you.. *she mumbled while getting flustered*

Jenny x Sheldon (Future AU) My Life as a Teenage RobotWhere stories live. Discover now